Pathetic People who should have been stopped if time travel was possible!
Pathetic People who should have been stopped if time travel was possible!
Updated on August 26, 2022 15:01 PM by Anthony Christian
Going back in time
Indeed, the past cannot be changed, which has happened. We have to accept and move on with it. But, then again, if given a chance, we could have gone back and tried to stop these ten notorious people who have created havoc in their times.

These ten people in history have done some unspeakable, shocking, and vile acts which have not only affected humans but also doubted the presence of humanity among us.
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How far does a person go to be evil?
This question pops up every time these ten people are taken into consideration. They have killed masses without remorse, rather for the taste of blood and control and the smell of power.
If these people could have been stopped, the world would have been much less intolerant, and history wouldn’t have been this horrific. So, let’s start with the list of evil people in human civilization.
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Adolf Hitler

Lucifer is here; the Devil forgot to take the protection, and Adolf Hitler was born to a working-class family. The boy was always troubled as his mother, Klara Hitler, was the only human he genuinely loved, which might have shocked the world.
Hitler is the first person on the list whom you would like to stop from creating genocide if you could have successfully gone back in time. The man created the Holocaust and World War II and a terror that led to the foundation of the United Nations.
Hitler having the Oedipus Complex, loved his mother and was devastated when she died of breast cancer in 1907. Many medical experts and historians claim that Adolf Hitler became a mass murderer and a dictator due to the pain of losing his mother.
Although little can be said about Adolf Hitler’s mental health, one can conclude that he hated his father and had little to no remorse after his drunken father died in a public place. It has been said Alois Hitler, the father of Adolf Hitler, was a bully and beat him mercilessly many times.
However, going back in time, you would like to change the poor household conditions of Hitler, keeping the fact that if Adolf Hitler hadn’t been so heavily abused at a tender age, you could have saved the world from him by going back in time.
Technically, the cancer disease is still untreatable, so that is one thing you couldn’t have changed; then again, Klara Hitler could have been stopped from returning to Alois Hitler’s home as a maid from Vienna.
If Klara Hitler and Alois Hitler had never had an intimate relationship, maybe Hitler would not have been born, and history would have been much different. Adolf Hitler’s grandfather was unknown, so the frustration of having a poor childhood made Alois a drunken womanizer destroying not only the women’s lives but his children’s lives too.
You could have changed a lot if you could have traveled to the past, starting from stopping Alois Hitler from being an alcoholic and sending him to a mental asylum to helping Adolf Hitler never get elected as the Chancellor of Germany in the first place.
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Josef Mengele

The evil lost his way to hell and got his door to Earth, and the angel of death was born - Josef Mengele was the notorious evil doctor. The latter was appointed to Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps for various unspeakable medical experiments on human bodies.
He was the most sorted SS Officer and Physician in Auschwitz and was later appointed to Birkenau. Mengele was known to have killed thousands of twin babies in the camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau.
If given a chance to go back, you could have stopped Josef Mengele from studying Anthropology and even earning a Ph.D. degree in physical anthropology from the University of Munich.
If you could time travel, you could have become a disguised professor at the University of Munich and prevented Mengele from earning his degree. Would that have stopped him? No, but at least it could have slowed him down.
Josef Mengele would have tried to study harder and pass the exam, but then again, you could have let him pass with poor marks. Now would that have helped? Maybe.
He would not have gone on to pursue his Doctoral Degree in Genetic Medicine, and it would even have stopped him from becoming the assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer back then.
Now time is always bizarre, but removing him from his track would have led to stopping his joining the Nazi Party in 1937. Now, that doesn’t mean you would have stopped all the atrocities, but Josef Mengele was the wickedest of all the physicians appointed to Auschwitz and Birkenau.
His fanatic craze to experiment on Jewish twins and kill them could have stopped one by one if he had never joined the Nazi party. He was a well-known SS ranking officer for his evil works on human bodies, especially children.
Loads of twin children could have been saved if you could go back in time and sabotage his education, let him not complete his degree in medicine, and stop him from creating so much atrocity.
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Heinrich Himmler

A demon must have grabbed an angel and assaulted her, and Heinrich Himmler landed on the Earth. Like why? That’s the question you will ask first, why was he even born?
The right-hand man of Adolf Hitler, a man with an ice-cold heart and no emotions, could have been aborted or miscarried by his mother, given the fact of the systematic killings, he did in the concentration camps.
Even if it sounds cruel, given the cruelty, he spread out in German-occupied Europe and killed millions of Jews; given a chance, you would love to go back and make sure Himmler Senior’s wife never conceived him in the first place.
Even if he had been born, he could have been stopped from graduating from high school in Landshut. Many things could have changed then; he couldn’t have completed his graduation from Technical University in Munich, let alone join the Nazi party.
An uneducated German, Heinrich Himmler would have been ignorant of the racism, and his fanaticism to make Germany pureblood wouldn’t have happened.
You could have stopped many things; the man was a systematic murderer and hated Jews, homosexuals, and even Roma gypsies. He was the favorite man of Adolf Hitler due to his mass obsession with killing as many Jews as possible.
Moreover, Heinrich Himmler was extremely brutal with political prisoners and instructed his officers for special treatment to the spy agents -
“The agents should die, certainly, but not before torture, indignity, and interrogation have drained from them the last shred of evidence that should lead us to others. Then, and only then, should the heavenly release of death be granted to them?”
He was also the reason behind the brutal death of various British spies and had typical homophobia. So, if possible, to go back, he could have been stopped from being born or at least not reached out to the Nazi party.
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Joseph Goebbels

The Devil forgot to wash himself up before his night with his lady, and this meanest of evil was born. Joseph Goebbels was second-in-command of the Nazi party and a crazy anti-semantic who believed Adolf Hitler was a god who could clean Germany of all the Jews he called parasites.
Therefore going back in time and trying to stop him is very important. He was a crazy, mad, and megalomaniac politician who was the chief propagandist of the Nazi party.
Goebbels ranked during the Third Reich. He was one of the chief influencers behind the brewing of Germans against misleading information about Jews and other races trying to capture their country.
He tirelessly preached the propaganda of saving Germany from falling in the eyes of the world. If time travel could have stopped his birth, studies, and joining the Nazi party, the war wouldn’t have occurred in the first instance.
Moreover, Adolf Hitler became a successful yet notorious dictator due to Heinrich Himmler's and Joseph Goebbels's loyalty.
Joseph Goebbels was rejected from participating in World War I due to his clubbed foot. If time prevails and you could jump back in time, make sure to get him selected in the military service even with the clubbed foot.
Well, one cannot assess the probability that his death during World War I could have saved Germans and all the people worldwide from the Second World War.
The man took offense when he was rejected from military service due to his handicapped foot.
If you could jump through time and make him get selected for military service, his going back to attend a doctorate in German literature from the University of Heidelberg could have been stopped.
The man was crazy, so should he have been dead by 1915, all this mess-up would not have happened, and Adolf Hitler would not have had that much freedom to rule over Europe through fear, terror, and tyranny.
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Ted Bundy

Craziness has its way of defining its existence, but this man, Theodore Bundy, was the father of all craziness. The first ever notorious bloodthirsty women killer who coined the term serial killer, Ted Bundy, killed approximately a hundred women in his lifetime of four decades.
Ted Bundy was born in the unwed mothers’ home on November 24, 1946, in Burlington, Vermont. So, firstly if you could go back in time, make sure his mother doesn’t conceive him because it is said that his mother used to be physically abused and raped by his paternal grandfather.
Some experts have also claimed that he is the product of incest which has been the reason behind his depraved mentality. Notably, for a long time, he knew his mother as his sister and his grandparents as his parents.
Nevertheless, the Devil has no horns and hooves, so he grew up to be a charming, articulate, and intelligent young man.
If time travel was possible, you could have stopped him from getting any education. He was a clever bastard and, at the age of fourteen, is assumed to have had his first taste of blood through an eight-year-old little girl.
He worked as a newspaper delivery boy at fourteen, and the disappearance of an eight-year-old girl was overlooked back then.
If time travel had been possible, you could have stopped Ted Bundy from doing something atrocious with the little girl.
Even if Ted escaped by killing the girl, you could have tried to bring the police's attention to this matter and connect the disappearance with the fourteen-year-old boy.
He was living in Washington by the time he was a hormone-raging teenager. Bundy already exhibited signs of a sadistic killing attitude through the disappearance of the small girl.
At least going back in time, you could have stopped him from being a serial killer by trying to get him admitted to a psychiatric ward. He needed medical attention that he did not receive at a young age.
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The antisocial criminal
In various interviews given by him through his prison, Bundy recalled being antisocial. So, it was the carelessness of the people around him not to consider that he never had any friends.
If you could have gone back in time, you could have alerted the parents or at least someone closer to him that his behaviors were odd enough and not healthy.
Showing a red flag in the initial days of his sadistic killing could have stopped him from killing at least forty to fifty women and probably more.
Ted Bundy even confessed that he used to go on wandering the streets looking for discarded pornography. Who does discard pornography magazines just like that in the trash bins? Why didn’t the local councilor was informed about such a thing?
If you get to travel back in time, at least you could have tried to talk to the local councilor about keeping a close watch on the trash cans where discarded explicit contents were getting dumped.
Most importantly, Ted Bundy used to wander around in the streets; like seriously? Why? What was his mother like at that time? Why didn’t she stop him from loitering around aimlessly in the streets?
Lastly, where were the police? Why were they not noticing a particular kid digging into trash cans for something explicit or the other?
Going back in time, you could at least alert law enforcement about a mysterious boy lurking around in the streets, and along with that, you could send the social rights activists or any NGO to Bundy’s house to go on for a welfare check on the family.
Bundy’s mother had some issues and needed care, at least at a psychiatric ward.
However, less information is available about her in the web world, but, at least going back in time, you could have saved her from sexual abuse and gotten the incestuous child aborted.
The boy used to full-on peek-a-boo through open windows of various nearby houses.
How careless can people be that a mysterious boy is peeking through the window for days together and not noticing it?
Time travel would have helped you drop anonymous letters in these houses' mailboxes warning them that somebody is watching them without their notice. This information could have poked the locals to report to the police.
Ted would spy on unsuspecting women; now that is the most creepy part; a boy is following you literally, and you cannot even understand it!
What about the police and the local people, though? Nobody saw him doing such mysterious acts!
If time travel could have been possible, you could have alerted the police of a young boy stalking women and at least tried to get the information up in public that young women should keep a watch over their shoulders.
Moreover, he also had an extensive juvenile record for theft; that is the mother of all carelessness. A boy is shoplifting repeatedly, and nobody can get the hell out of the tail of that notorious kid.
Nobody even doubted except Ted Bundy’s girlfriend that more than seventy percent of his possession was either shoplifted or at least initially did not belong to him. However, nobody else ever bothered noticing such mass shoplifting.
Even though he dismissed stealing when he turned eighteen, going back in time, you could at least send a piece of anonymous information to the police to check on this Bundy guy with the tip of his possessions being shoplifted.
There were millions of ways Ted Bundy could have been stopped from becoming a serial killer in his childhood and teenage days if time travel was possible.
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John Wayne Gacy

Lunacy has its level, but then comes the person who has been diagnosed with flat emotion and the presence of no remorse.
John Wayne Gacy, a complete medical treatment failure to many people, was a friendly man with a special fascination with entertaining young children.
Now how pathetic it was that nobody noticed something odd about John Wayne Gacy. In his childhood, he was severely beaten by his father.
Now, if time travel could have been possible, John Wayne Gacy’s father should have been in jail on the counts of child abuse.
But then again, the police were never careful enough, and the child care support didn’t receive any tip of child abuse in the Gacy’s house.
Ironically John Wayne Gacy might have been sodomized by his father, too, though police had found no proof that his father must have implanted his attraction towards males and tried to sodomize and kill them.
If time travel could be possible, you could at least stop him from the assaults he received from his father. But, things went out of hand as no one bothered to check on him as time passed.
John Wayne Gacy frequently dressed up as he portrayed an alter ego, Pogo the Clown. Now that was also odd, keeping that he was not himself and hid his original identity behind clowning.
He was always present at parties that he hosted for his entire neighborhood. How weird it was that nobody realized something was going wrong with him.
Time travel might be made it possible for at least the neighborhood to be alerted about a killer on the loose.
When the first warning sign about Gacy appeared in 1964, he was found guilty of sodomizing two young boys. However, the legal authorities did not take any strict action against him.
Gacy was arrested and spent eighteen months in prison; he was later let out to roam free when he should have remained locked, and they should have thrown the keys to his cell away.
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So much carelessness
It was shocking that he was not sent to any mental asylum or at least got diagnosed by a psychiatrist.
So, if you sit on that hypothetical time machine and jump back in time, alert the health care service or convince the two young sodomized boys to send a second appeal to the court for the recapture of Gacy.
Unfortunately, he was released, Gacy got divorced, and his wife also did not press any charges against him.
Like why? She must have sensed something when she was with John Wayne Gacy; it was impossible not to sense it.
Just run back in that time machine and tell his wife to be a bit more responsible as an American citizen to report his weird acts to at least a social activist group.
She ran away with her kid giving Gacy full access to kill as much as he could have done it.
However, free from relationships and all allegations, John Wayne Gacy decided to move to Chicago and had a fresh start.
Like wow! He has sodomized two young boys and could move through the cities without having to report to the police station.
Done with my job, so going away, bye!! If you jump through that time machine, do something to stop him from moving his base to Chicago, or at least punch him or try to hit him with a vehicle so he can get disabled.
This whole handicapping him sounds bizarre but then the way he killed young boys, it sounds much better in comparison to that; go with hitting him with a truck or something and come back to the present time.
Also, John Wayne Gacy’s mother once found John with a young boy in her apartment in a very intimate yet embarrassing situation. In all accounts, she never reported the situation to the police or anyone.
If time travel was possible, you could have put some sense into that lady and told her that her son needs medical attention for not being gay but for pretending not to be gay.
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Jim Jones

If Hitler had had a mini-copy, then Jim Jones would have fit that criterion. The drug-addicted self-proclaimed minister turned into a dictator and killed literally nine hundred of his followers.
He was crazy, but his craziness was more dangerous than ever. It’s more like [- if I am going down, I am taking you down.
Jim Jones took down so many innocent lives that going back in time would only result in drowning him in the same liquid that he force-fed his people. Sadly, the liquid contained cyanide.
Jim Jones worked in small churches throughout Indiana, and by God’s name, nobody distrusted him. He was so charismatic and appealing that people started believing him to be some God.
Going back in time machine should ensure you give Jim Jones a good opposition. If you jump back in time, at least try to spread the word that Jim Jones is a drug addict and a manipulator.
Being anonymous and spreading out leaflets about Jim Jones - the monster would also have alerted some people that something was going wrong.
A minister without opposition is like a jailor locked in a cell with all his prison inmates, resulting in a massacre. So, creating an uproar might have boasted Jim Jones’ selfish ego, but it would have stopped him from creating mass followers.
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His not-so-holy place
Jim Jones opened the first Peoples Temple, a holy place for the Disciples of Christ church in Indianapolis, in 1955. Creating a place where there was no racial discrimination in those days attracted more crowds than usual.
However, jumping through time, the legal authorities should have been tipped with an anonymous typed letter by you to keep a close watch on this Jim Jones guy as he was creating a mass following a cult.
The People’s Temple was a racially integrated congregation, enough for the local police and the councilor to watch him closely. But that somebody could have been you if time travel had been possible.
It was uncommon for the time, and something so uncommon has its price. However, nobody understood that, and the saddest part is somebody could have been you who would have tried to get hold of Jim Jones’ wife if you could have traveled through time.
Dragging that lady to the police station or at least trying to kidnap her and put her inside a house for some days might sound illegal, but it could have drawn some attention toward what Jim Jones was doing openly.
Some of you might argue that we shouldn’t be cruel to people who have been cruel to us, but if kidnapping and holding Jim Jones’ wife changes history and stops the misfortune of nine hundred people, it’s worth it.
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The slithering Jones
Jim Jones moved his congregation to California in the early 1970s as he gained popularity with his preaching of humanity. How ironic, he never believed in the segregation of race, yet he was there to showcase his power and earn more and more donations.
If time travel had been possible, then the tax department could have been informed by you to keep a lookout at the income of this Jim Jones guy.
Like he is creating a cult without any former training as a nun or father; neither he was catholic nor protestant, so something should have been going illegal.
When he was opening churches in San Francisco and Los Angeles, nobody stopped him from doing that, like he was getting lands easily.
Given a chance, if you could time travel, you could have just ensured he received the sanction letter to those places where he opened the churches in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
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Careless blunders
Jim Jones successfully became a powerful public leader. He was not followed up by any public health system or higher authorities; he went on sabotaging the public, yet nobody could get a sniff out of his original intention.
If time travel was possible, you could have alerted the public health care system or other religious groups to keep notice of this Jim Jones guy.
The problem got out of hand because nothing was there to monitor them and closely look at them. It was difficult for the legal authorities to keep a watch out on this Jim Jones guy.
If time travel had been possible, someone could have tipped the followers with some common sense, as none of them made any sense; it looked like it was there.
You could have jumped through the time and ensured that it would not happen, as going around trying to bring in legal authorities in these cases could have raised an alert.
Jim Jones was a drug addict faking everybody that he could save people from chronic diseases.
Yet, no medical expert was there to revolt against such ridiculousness, as if everybody was blind-sighted to the bizarre medical facts he was putting forward to everyone.
If you are ever able to time travel, then at least try to tip off the medical association of that period to look into this matter of Jim Jones using volunteers to heal chronic viral diseases.
At least the tip-off will help the people to stop Jim Jones from playing mind games with innocent people.
It will also help innocent people from falling into the trap of Jim Jones, who might be caught in the spider web, not knowing what is lurking in their fate.
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A very nice cover-up
The group of Jim Jones was often involved in politics and charitable organizations, which was a nice cover-up to all the illegitimate affairs and drug abuse he was using during that time.
Illegally he was taking money by manipulating people over the years, so if you jump into the time machine, you could at least take the option out there to spread the word to the media or try to stop him from moving to Guyana.
Negligence was part and parcel of his side towards his followers. Yet, there was no one to tell them. So, jump through the time and try to warn the legal hospital, medical service, police department, and anyone possible to stop him.
Well, the media did get the hint that he was an unjust leader creating concentration camp-like propaganda arrests. But they were not fast enough to catch him in his act.
So, if you get the chance to time travel, you can try to get the media engaged with the propaganda that Jim Jones was trying to put forward to the people who didn’t understand that he was calling himself a self-proclaiming God.
Even though the followers claimed Jim Jones wanted to be called Father, it was already too late. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) was also completely blind-sighted to the acts of Jim Jones.
Jim Jones was forcing his followers to give up their homes and custody of their children to join him, which was completely done unknowingly by the local law enforcement department.
Nevertheless, he often beat them severely, causing them physical and mental damage; and forcing them to submit to him. It was sad and shocking, and if time travel could have been possible, you would have gone up to press the pause button on his several illegal actions.
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Jeffrey Dahmer

Well, just because Bible considers homosexuality as a sinful act doesn’t mean Devil’s child has to create a racist serial killing on Earth.
It is unknown whether Jeffrey Dahmer had a crazy fascination and obsession with dark-skinned people. Still, he preferred raping and killing young boys, especially from the black community.
You could not know that much about Jeffrey Dahmer’s childhood, but by most accounts, Dahmer had a normal childhood.
Now, how much his childhood was normal is still a foggy factor.
If possible, one can jump back through time; then, at least, they would be able to find out what kind of normal childhood Jeffrey Dahmer had.
His prolific endeavors with murder, rape, and cannibalism didn’t seem to reflect a good or “normal” childhood. As time passed, Jeffrey Dahmer became withdrawn and uncommunicative as he got older.
Well, little is known whether he was sexually abused during his childhood because time jumps to his childhood could only possibly bring out the truth and get the boy saved from such cruel deeds acted upon him.
Although loads of people, if they get the chance to go back in time, will kill him, in his childhood, and run back to the present time. Still, a child with mental health issues can be admitted to the mental asylum before showing signs of a sadistic killing personality.
His withdrawal symptoms should have been considered, considering that he was not behaving like the other boys his age. Mental health issues were a huge taboo in those times.
If you travel through time and go back to his growing age, alert the local mental health care services, as his parents seemed reluctant about his sudden personality change.
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Socially withdrawal
Jeffrey Dahmer began showing little to no interest in picking up normal hobbies or going out and socially interacting with people as he entered adolescence.
These social withdrawal symptoms should have been a big red flag, yet, his immediate people ignored it completely.
So, if you jump through time, drag the boy’s arse out of his room and, if possible, out of his house, beat him enough to get him paralyzed.
It sounds cruel, but the number of lives he destroyed later on, in that comparison, this act of paralyzing him sounds much better.
Jeffrey Dahmer found fascination in dead bodies and started examining animal carcasses and heavily drinking for entertainment.
So, if you fail to beat him to half-death, at least take some snaps of him playing with animal carcasses and drinking and send them to the nearest law enforcement station as an anonymous tip.
It might give them an early hint about this boy abusing himself on substances. Suppose, if possible, he travels through time, reaches out to mental health care, and shares his photos with them.
Of course, nobody will know you since CCTV footage was not available back then. Just try to take pictures of him heavily drinking throughout high school.
Push to spread it out to as many people as possible; he must have gone on to have sexual contact with boys during his high school days; gigolo was available back then.
So, if possible, try to keep a tab on him and take pictures since you have got the opportunity to time jump and stop him.
Sharing those pictures with the local medical health care system or any NGO might bring to light the kind of notorious life Dahmer led during his time.
If possible, try to stop him from graduating in 1978. At least he shouldn’t receive his education degree with such a notorious lifestyle.
So, by jumping through time, try to sabotage his answer sheets, degree, books, or anything that could stop him from graduating.
Of course, It might distract him a bit and slow him, as it was just three weeks after his graduation that the eighteen-year-old Dahmer committed his first murder.
So, maybe distracting him with so many issues and obstacles would have saved his first victim and might have gotten him behind the doors of a psychiatric ward.
These procedures are difficult but not impossible because it looks like the education system was too dumb even to allow him to study in the school knowing he is an alcoholic.
If that is so, then getting the opportunity to jump through time and reach out to his school, try to send them pictures of Dahmner abusing alcohol.
If the school authorities get to seen his alcoholic side, they might have expelled him in the first place. It could have slowed down the whole process during school time itself.
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An alcoholic to a serial killer
It sounds crazy that Dahmer attended college; high school wasn’t enough that fall, but he dropped out due to his alcoholism. How ironic nobody tried to get him to rehab for his heavy addiction.
What were they waiting for all? Another murder? The eighteen-year-old boy turns into something else every time he drinks, and his father is completely blind-sighted to that.
How stupid and lenient can parents be that they are not even noticing their boy going down the road; and not trying to help him with his addiction? Being gay is not wrong, but being an abusive gay is a crime.
All his father was trying to do was to shift the responsibility from his shoulders; given a chance to go back in time, at least you could try to get this father arrested for some reason or other.
Even though this arrest of father might sound too much, the way Jeffrey was getting shaped, he was also responsible for it.
Maybe getting his father arrested for some of his ridiculous behaviors and crimes might have given Jeffrey the motivation to stop his killing spree.
His father compelled him to enroll in the army, which was very crude. At Least he could have been stopped then and there and rejected on the selection grounds for his alcoholic nature.
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Trouble was lurking by
There were so many options to stop Jeffrey Dahmer, yet, people were blind-sighted to it. As if they couldn’t see, trouble was creeping in the form of this sadistic killer.
Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t have a diagnosis; he needed to get his sexual orientation channelized. Homophobia was so big during his time that people considered homosexuality a crime.
But Jeffrey Dahmer could have been helped by alerting the mental health associations of his time at least to take him under supervision.
The pictures of him abusing alcohol or at least sodomizing any young boy sent to the mental health associations anonymously could have brought to light the situation.
Moreover, Jeffrey Dahmer could have received as early diagnosis and treatment as possible.
Don’t get here wrong; his suppressed hormonal rage was one of the reasons he used to kill young boys, so getting treated does not mean trying to change his sexual orientation.
If you travel back in time, make sure the mental health experts do not judge him for his homosexuality but, rather, for his desire to kill young boys.
Although, electroshock waves would also have done wonders to him, keeping the fact of the horrendous ways he killed the young boys later on in his life.
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He needed mental help
If he had not been sent to the army, where he served as a combat medic in Germany from 1979 to 1981, rather to a mental health hospital, his family could have saved at least loads of lives.
However, he never kicked the habit out of him and went on sodomizing and having sexual contact with the male soldiers. However, the military service members discharged him that spring.
This decision was one of the military's most major mistakes; they should have reported or court-martialed him. Rather than that, they let him go without taking action against him.
He moved back to Ohio without any warning or prison sentence and nothing on him. If given a chance to jump back in time, make sure to bring at least some allegations against him.
It is tough since military service works differently than civil service rights. But then again, who knows? He might have left some clue back in his army base, which you can sneakily drop into the top official’s place, where he can take notice of it.
There were millions of clues that Jeffrey Dahmer left on his way before he started murdering in full mode. However, they overlooked all those clues.
If possible, to run back in time, those clues could be brought to prominence by you.
People didn’t bother, and a monster was taking his shape without getting the attention he needed most at that time. Suppressed anger, rage, and hormonal urge made him crazy enough to commit horrendous crimes.
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Reluctant parents
No matter what, his drinking continued, and it caused problems, but his father sent him to live with his grandmother in West Allis, Wisconsin, rather than sending him to a rehab center.
If you can time jump, then go back and hijack his vehicle and, if possible, get him dragged to some nearby woods, tie him up and throw him near a mental hospital.
Just make sure to give him a lethal shot of anesthesia so that he does not remember what happened.
While throwing him in front of the mental health hospital, place a note with the sodomy pictures and write that Jeffrey Dahmer needs medical attention.
This action might work to some extent; his reluctant father could have gotten a wake shot against his son’s heinous crimes, which he had already committed at the age of eighteen, or at least get to understand why he got thrown away from the military.
So, another careless mistake by the government, military, parents, and even bathhouses!!
It was 1985, and Jeffrey frequently visited gay bathhouses. There he would drug men and rape them as they lay unconscious. However, the bathhouses never tried to find out who this particular guy was!!
Ridiculousness is limited, but with Jeffrey Dahmer, Gay bathhouse coordinators and caretakers were as blind-sighted as the unconscious victims.
A guy is drugging a man and raping him and putting him in an unconscious state over time, and none of them can figure out what the hell is going on!!
A time jump might be helpful in this situation, but it is not difficult to say. Still, the local mental health group and Dahmer's parents could have been tipped off about this sodomization and rape with pictures of him taken by you.
Hypothetically he could have been stopped many times, but everybody was too careless even to find the link connecting Jeffrey Dahmer to all these murders and rapes.
However, he was arrested twice for flashing himself in 1982 and 1986, law enforcement only charged him with probation, but he was not charged for the rapes. Now that is one of the most careless mistakes possible.
If time travel had been possible, you could have notified the media about Jeffrey Dahmer much before he went on to become a serial killer. There were loads of options, but then again, people were unbothered in linking them.
Elizabeth Bathory

It is very difficult to understand the troubled bisexuality or women who faced trouble with bisexuality sometime in the 16th Century.
If the time jump had been possible, then in the 16th Century, one prolific female serial killer could have been stopped from going on mass killing.
Elizabeth Bathory was one of the most well-known prolific serial killers who killed over six hundred fifty women in twenty-nine to thirty years.
However, people of those times were too ignorant, or maybe she was too early to be born.
The sex-hungry Elizabeth was born in 1560, and lucky enough, she was endowed with good looks, immense wealth, and an excellent education.
If a time jump could have been possible by you, then you could sneak into her room and thrown baby Elizabeth Bathory out of the window.
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Well, it isn't easy to do that
However, you could take the role of a maidservant in her house and make sure she gets thrown out of the Castle window once the baby is born without others noticing.
Compared to the pain, terror, and bloodbath she created amongst young women, her mother could have borne another child for the Bathory family after losing Elizabeth Bathory.
But then, time plays a very nasty role, and even if she survived her childhood, things turned as she started running toward adolescence.
Nevertheless, she showed signs of sexual attraction toward young women from a very young age. Belonging to a powerful Bathory family, it was not easy to turn her down.
If time travel was possible, then at least you could make her stop getting confused with her hormonal rage toward breasts rather than a penis.
Although modern-day experts later confirmed that she was bisexual, she preferred women over men if she didn’t get her man by her side.
She had her caretakers, who were her accomplices. So, she started experimenting with sexuality with young girls at a very young age.
If a time jump was possible, you could try to make her understand that her sexual attraction toward women was not wrong, but how she was exploiting the young girls and throwing them like tissue paper was wrong.
However, it is true, the arrogant girl with hormonal rage wouldn’t listen to you, so if possible, kidnap her, drag her down to some quiet place and give her a nice beating until she learns her lesson.
There is another bad idea, too, but then again, compared to her atrocities, this is just nothing. The way to stop this girl is to get this girl out of the castle.
If you can time jump in her time, get past her guards, and can reach Elizabeth Bathory in her childhood, grab her and drag her out of her place and pass her through the underground water flow.
Every castle in those days had water flowing underground; if you had sneaked the girl out of the castle quietly, she could have been passed down to a nearby village through which she could have been sent to the Hungarian borders.
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A very notorious woman
Not much is known about her whereabouts, but her accomplices might have brought her young girls of lower-class, homeless, and peasant girls for her sexual gratification.
So, yeah, time jumping during her time, you can also be her accomplice or that girl whom she might like to take a look at; disguised as a peasant girl, you could get closer to her and do something to her, which her generation might not know regarding bisexual people.
It is tricky, she might try to put the blame on you and get you executed, and you won’t be able to come back in your present time frame.
But, if she was maintaining sexual relationships with women, she might have some insecurities, and you could have used them against her.
It would be difficult, but she was an educated lady; chances are there she might get intimidated by your education level and might get a bit hypnotized, as she won’t be expecting a peasant offspring to be so well-educated or at least confident enough not to feel shy in her presence.
So, taking a risk with her might be worth it, considering that six hundred and fifty women would have been saved. During her time, some of the peasant girls accepted whatever Elizabeth Bathory did, maintaining that she was a noblewoman and had power in her hand.
So, if you could be closer to her and somehow stop her hormonal rage, you could have stopped mass murdering. Her playing with girls soon ended after she was betrothed to Ferenc Nádasdy at eleven or twelve.
She was not happy to be betrothed to Ferenc Nádasdy as she was enraged for being deprived of her playing with girls.
The time jump could have been possible, then maybe Ferenc Nádasdy could have been stopped by trying to distract him to some other Hungarian noblewoman.
She had a stellar social position as one of the Bathory family members. However, her bisexuality never got out of her.
So, the time jumps, trying to get her under control and then making sure Ferenc Nádasdy is distracted by crossing his road with some other Nobel lady will take time and risk, but it might be worth it, keeping the fact that she was going to murder innocent girls.
She was eleven or twelve when she started an affair with a lower-class lover; how she found him is difficult to say, but a time jump can help tap that loverboy to get information about Elizabeth out of him.
The lover could also be warned by you, through time travel, that he would be castrated and fed to dogs once Elizabeth gets pregnant. So, he might have stopped going to the countess in the first place.
Elizabeth Bathory used to stay in Transylvania, and her family principally ruled the kingdom, so yeah, if you can tip off the enemy line for a probing battle or something, that could also distract Elizabeth Bathory from her family.
There were millions of ways to stop that lady Dracula if time travel was possible.
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Graham Young

Why did some people have a special fascination with poisons? Lunacy has limitations, but God forgot to add that fine line between sanity and brilliance with Graham Young.
Devil bore him doubtlessly, as he was the most devious teacup killer of his time in Britain.
Graham Frederick Young was born in Neasden, North London, as if the Devil was waiting to send his demon to the Earth on September 7, 1947. His parents’ name was Fred and Bessie Young.
Now, if a time jump was possible, do stop them from having Graham Young; obviously, it would not be possible at first, but at least try to sabotage the doctor by telling the couple to abort the child because it is risky to Bessie Young’s life.
Unfortunately, Graham Young’s mother developed pleurisy during pregnancy, so you get on to that time machine, go back to her time, tell the doctor or at least find a way to get past her as a physician and try to warn her and Fred Young to get the child aborted or else she would die.
Sadly, she died of tuberculosis three months after her son’s birth. This opportunity was the first of the many through which Graham Young could have been stopped from being a notorious serial killer.
Fred Young was devastated by her death and could not take care of the little infant. There must have been a time gap between Graham Young being transferred to his aunt Winnie, so if you time jump, try to remove him and place him in a Church or orphanage.
Maybe that might help him stay away from chemistry and learn toxicology. He would have ended up being a child laborer, which would have been much better than him being an insane killer in the future.
However, they put the infant into the care of his aunt Winnie, with whom Graham Young became very close. If you could reach that time frame, try to disguise yourself as a maid and get work in Winnie’s house.
It might help you to keep a close watch on baby Graham Young, and if possible, try to make sure her aunt never gives him up to his father.
The young Graham, who has spent the first two years of his life with his aunt and her husband, Jack, considered them his mommy and daddy and became very close to them.
So, if a time jump was possible, you could have tried to stop Winnie and her husband, Jack, from sending the little boy away to his father and his new wife.
Maybe those were the early signs which sowed the seed of hatred in his mind. If possible, being from the present Century, you could have persuaded Winnie to adopt Graham Young so that he could have a better life in the future.
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Fred Young’s second wife
Fred Young remarried in 1950, and Graham reunited the family again in St. Albans with his new wife, Molly. Now, if you get the chance to time travel, you could also stop Molly from ever meeting Fred Young.
Though little is known about how Fred Young came across Molly, you could have stopped at least the marriage with time travel. But would that help? Maybe. Unmarried Fred Young would never try to take back Graham Young.
If time travel was possible, then Molly could also be tipped as Graham Young being an evil boy, so she should take the oath on only one condition that Graham Young never comes back to their life.
On returning to his father and his new stepmother, Graham Young showed distress at being separated from his aunt. It was obvious he had mental health issues from a young age.
It is unknown how Molly treated him, though, because Graham Young’s personality completely changed. Maybe Fred Young was blind-sighted to his new wife’s love that even if she maltreated Graham Young, he could sense that out.
So, if time travel would have been possible, you could at least try to get some evidence regarding Graham Young getting maltreated by Molly and anonymously send it to Fred Young at his workplace.
Not knowing how and why, Graham Young became a rather peculiar child, solitary in his habits. However, he did not try to socialize with others of his age.
So, if you could time jump, you could have made sure he received psychiatric treatment for his withdrawal symptoms which weren’t good.
Graham Young detested his father for marrying Molly, so to cope with the grief, he became fascinated with Adolf Hitler.
That was a huge red flag, and you should have informed social activists of his times about his odd narcissistic tendencies at such a tender age.