Dear Backpackers and travelers know this to avoid trouble in a foreign land
Dear Backpackers and travelers know this to avoid trouble in a foreign land
Updated on August 24, 2022 12:17 PM by Ava Sara
Holidays are always jolly days as this is an adventurous moment where everyone tends to have a lot of fun by visiting our favorite tourist destination, a long getaway, and it is just fun overloaded.
Many like to visit a foreign country to enjoy their vacation, and many backpackers and tourists tend to get into trouble without knowing the law of the foreign land. For which you will be paying a tough time with fines and jail sentences than what your business is meant to be.
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We often compare and research flight tickets, hotel charges, and taxi charges and how to save money on the trip, but no one gives you clear information about forbidden rules that have to be avoided when visiting another foreign country.
And for you, we have picked the popular tourist destination where their strange laws can either get you arrested or would be pressed with a fine; reading this article to get to know them.
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Singapore forbids chewing gum
After independence in 1965, and within a few decades, a sovereign island country like Singapore emerged as a global city, challenging the economic bloom among many developed European countries. The country's lifestyle and cleanliness are so impeccable that it is a first-class tourist destination for many. To maintain this cleanliness, the country banned chewing gum illegal in 1992. This sticky chewy piece of gum caused a lot of litter issues in the country, and maintenance had become hectic. And former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew came up with the idea of banning chewing gums. But the country gave an exception to chewing the gum for therapeutic, dental, or nicotine gum, which the buyers must directly buy based on a prescription from a doctor or registered pharmacist.
Also Read: Singapore Tourist Places
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Anyone caught selling unauthorized chewing gums is snapped a fine of $100,000 or even two years in prison. A ban on chewing gum may be strange for foreigners in other countries. Still, along with this, other penalties and imprisonment include littering in public, graffiti on walls, unauthorized jaywalking, spitting in places, blowing mucus from the nose, and urinating in public. Especially not flushing after using the water closet is the next serious offense that also adds to the list.
So backpackers keep these offenses in mind, be ready not to pack any chewing gum in your baggage, and don't get caught in trouble.
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Tapping of the Wi-Fi network is illegal
Next to possession of chewing Gum, anyone who connects to another person's Wi-Fi is also considered illegal as per the country's CMC Act (Computer Misuse and Cyber security Act). And according to the act, using someone else's Wi-Fi network is considered hacking, and if anyone is caught red-handed, a fine of up to $10,000 could face up to three years in jail.
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And this is called Piggybacking, a serious offense as per section 6(1)(a) of the Computer Misuse and Cyber security Act. So backpackers and travelers, even if you get open access to free Wi-Fi, beware of it and get permission before using it to avoid getting in trouble.
Jaywalking is illegal in America

Jaywalking is a serious offense in America, as it interferes with normal traffic and may create a hazard for the crosser and the one who drives. In many countries, this is considered a public nuisance as people think one has the freedom to cross the road anywhere without a pedestrian walking signal, without zebra crossing. Though this kind of offense doesn't end you up in jail, one still has to pay a fine for it. This law varies between states of America.
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For example, in Massachusetts, people found jaywalking for the first, second, and third time will be issued a fine of $1, and for subsequent offenses, they are charged $2 and more dollars if it happens every year.
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So backpackers, while visiting the U.S, be careful with jaywalking as many fallen in other currency makes a $1 costly.
Vaping is unlawful in Thailand
Vaping in Thailand has been banned ever since 2014. Vaping devices like E-cigarettes, e-baraku, and refills are prohibited. Vaping is a serious offense; when done can result in 10 years of jail sentence and a fine of up to 30,000 Baht.
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This ban has paved the way for e-cigarettes in the black market, which has grown in large in recent years. The black market for Vaping devices is said to increase from 3 to 6 Billion Baht. Though this may sound huge, it is still just 5% of the entire tobacco industry in Thailand.
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In 2019, in Phuket, a French woman was fined while holding a vape pen on the passenger seat of a scooter. She went to court, hired a lawyer, paid a fine of 40,000 Baht, and was deported from Bangkok, where she got to lose a week of enjoyment and expenses worth 286,000 Baht for fines, legal fees, and other expenses.
Vaping in popular big cities like Bangkok, Pattaya, or Phuket could land any backpackers in trouble. Avoid carrying one. Even if you have one, use the device only in private, away from any public eyes. Even in trouble, be polite, do not argue, and try to negotiate the terms of the fine and any waiver, if any.
Also Read: Famous bay in Thailand! Most attraction spot for the tourists
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According to the Thailand government
These vaping devices are banned in Thailand considering their ill effects, and these electronic cigarettes lure young minds into getting addicted to these habits.
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Buying liquor has scheduled time in Thailand
Backpackers hear too well that vaping devices are not the only problem here, as one does not have the freedom to order alcohol any time of the day because you have strict laws on when to order and when not to order liquor.
One can buy alcohol in stores only from 11 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to midnight. Even in this, not everyone can sell alcohol; local shops and supermarkets can sell between 7-11, and it is illegal for all shops to sell alcohol in the afternoons. And this rule is applicable only for takeaways as anyone who wants to order and drink in bars and restaurants can order and drink any part of the day, as long as you drink there. But in late-night bars, you can take the unfinished bottles home.
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So backpackers and travellers, when you want a drink, buy, store and keep it so that you won't get into trouble by ordering it during odd hours. Or you can buy alcohol in duty-free shops in international airport terminals on your way in, and one liter per person is allowed as alcohol inside the country is heavily taxed.
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An important note is that from December 7, 2020, online alcohol ordering and delivery is also banned in Thailand.
Sex outside marriage is illegal in UAE Countries
As Sharia law exists in many Arab countries, these countries' rules are very stringent; as an inch against the law is a serious offense that could lead to a hard time. In countries like Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and other UAE countries, any man or woman who has sex outside marriage is a serious offense.
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One such incident was when a British woman visited Dubai; she was gang-raped and reported it to the police. Instead of arresting the abusers, police arrested the victim, and her passport was confiscated based on the charges of committing adultery outside of marriage. Later th, charges against the women were dropped.
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And living together outside of marriage is also considered illegal. So backpackers, you better not bring your girlfriend or boyfriend to spend any anniversary or celebration in these gulf countries as this might end you and your partner in jail for serious crimes.
This is based on Article 356 of the UAE penal code, which specifies that people convicted of having sex outside marriage will face three to six months in jail, followed by deportation.
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The best travel advice while visiting such countries are
"it's against the law to live together, or to share the same hotel room, with someone of the opposite sex to whom you aren't married or closely related," and anyone found guilty of doing so runs the risk of prosecution, imprisonment and a fine, and deportation.
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The land of Italy has numerous rules
Italy is one country where backpackers and travelers must be very careful as anything against the law is a punishable offense where you must pay a fine.
- Flip flop banned
Flip-flops are banned from wearing among backpackers and tourists in the hilly seaside destination of Cinque Terre, as tourists with flip-flops often need to be rescued on their hiking trails. Tourists will be fined from €50 to €2,500 (from $56 to $2,827)
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- Snacking is banned:
Places in Italy like Florence, Rome, and Venice place of Italy has banned people from eating on the streets of historic places from 12-3 p.m. and 6-10 p.m. Anyone who breaks this law is fined from €150-€500 (($167-$558)
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- Picnicking
Never do this on the banks of Venice. Based on the campaign #EnjoyRespectVenezia to protect the world-historical city which is getting abused by its 20 million tourists and backpackers every year.
- Sitting on the steps is prohibited:
The historic Spanish steps were recently restored to $1.7 million. To keep it hassle-free, sitting on the steps is prohibited.
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- No wheeling around
Your wheeled baggage will not be rolled in any part of Rome or Venice. As wheeling them down the Spanish steps can get you in trouble.
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- No sandcastles:
Kids are not allowed to build sandcastles on the beach area in Eraclea, a town near Venice, as it is against the law.
- Jumping into the fountain:
Jumping into the fountain can land any tourists and backpackers to pay a fine of €450 ($502).
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- Drinking from a fountain is wrong:
Rome has drinking fountains, and while sipping water, backpackers have to be careful that their mouth shouldn’t touch the nozzle, or they could be fined.
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- No drinking on the street:
Roge tourists are creating a huge menace in the streets of Venice and Italy, so sipping alcohol on the streets of Italy is banned at night times.
- Wearing noisy footwear:
Wearing noisy shoes and foot wears banned from Capri as wooden clogs have been banned since 1960.
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- Biking:
Riding on a bicycle is banned in Venice.
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- No swimming in Venice canal:
Tourists are fined if they swim in the Venice canal, which includes even putting your feet in the canal.
- Singing is prohibited:
Singing on public buses, metros, and trams is prohibited, so you better be a bathroom singer.
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- Dress accordingly
Miniskirts, low-cut jeans, and too much cleavage is not allowed in Castellammare di Stabia, a small town near Naples.
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- No swimsuits on streets:
Wearing a swimsuit as a sightseeing costume in Venice is prohibited.
- Too short dress big no:
No bare-chested either in Rome or Venice.
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- No kissing in the car:
In the South of Naples, in a town called Eboli, couples are prohibited from kissing in a moving car.
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- Lovelocks banned:
The tradition of attaching lovelocks to bridges as a sign of love has been banned in Rome and Venice, and even standing on bridges is also against the law in Venice.
- Daily tax for day-tripping:
Anyone who visits Venice on a daily trip must pay $10 as daily tax or must pay a penalty of €450 ($502).
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- Feeding pigeon:
Feeding pigeons in Venice can lead to a jail sentence, so please avoid feeding the pigeon.
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- Other laws include:
No one is supposed to lean on the storefront; lying on public benches and buying from street vendors is against the rule. Even frowning in public places other than the hospital and at a funeral is strictly prohibited.
Swearing is a crime in Australia
Swearing is a serious crime in public places across Australia, including offensive, obscene or indecent language. Of all words, f**k’ and ‘c**t are generally picked. Every year more than thousands of people are booked for using offensive words, and a fine of $500 is snapped on the spot.
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Those who are homeless and with mental illness, youth, and several native Australians are the ones who usually use these swear words and are fined. So backpackers and travelers, please mind their words when on Australian land.
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Camouflage clothing is banned in Barbados
In Barbados, wearing camouflage clothing or accessorizing with anything that has a camouflage print should never be worn by the locals and tourists. This is not a special rule only in the island country of Barbados as this also applies in other countries like Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. According to these countries, Camouflage is considered a strict military uniform. As a result, this print cannot be worn in public places by anyone who is not in “active” military or law enforcement status.
Also Read: 5 Facts About Camouflage In The First World War
These countries have no patience for anyone who breaks the law by wearing camouflage clothing in public. Not only is camouflage clothing illegal, but anything made or has the camouflage material is also illegal, including shoes, pants, and anything made of that material. This is done so that the common civilians shouldn’t be mistaken for law enforcement officers.
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Anyone who dares to break the law could face a fine of up to $2,000 or more and even land a jail sentence. Other than this, the bikini is an attire that could be worn only on the beach and not on the streets. According to the law, beachwear is only for the beach, and anyone who disregards this law has to pay a fine of $270.
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And just like Australia, in countries like St. Lucia and St. Kitts. In St. Lucia, cursing, insulting, and threatening can land you with a fine of $1,000. Singers like DMX and 50 Cent were jailed for using inappropriate language during their concerts; they were later released through bail.
In Barbados, going topless or nude while sunbathing is illegal, so if you want a uniform perfect tan in the country, that cannot be achieved for sure, so carry a bikini.
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High heel policy in Spain
High heel policy is a law on wearing high heels, which is forbidden in different places based on the circumstances. Today Stiletto heels are restricted as they could damage the floor surface or even tend to cause accidents.
Also Read: Best Places to Visit in Spain
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Generally, in Western countries, high heels are associated with noble people that emphasize based on social status, as not everyone can afford to wear high heal footwear. Generally, this practice was followed to make them look taller and keep their feet and long dresses clean and neat. Later this became a subject of the sumptuary laws that restrict from spending too much on extravagance and luxury.
Moreover, high heels might damage the feet, and women protested against this high heel policy; as a result, the UK parliament supported this policy and had been put into practice not wearing a part of the routine.
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But still, women are given preference on what type of footwear to be worn, and still, this high heel is banned from being worn in monument-rich places.
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No smoking in Ukraine
Drinking and smoking are strictly prohibited in a war-stricken country like Ukraine, including all public places, bus stops, public transport, underground crossings, and all other establishments.
So Mr. and Mrs. Travellers kindly avoid smoking and drinking in public places and try to do this in a safe place that can even include private accommodation.
This also includes advertisement, promotion, and even sponsorship of tobacco products are prohibited in any form. Still, there is an exception regarding sales, and it could be displayed in stores for sale.
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To combat smokers, e-cigarettes are allowed though their usage is restricted in specific public places where smoking is prohibited. Along with this, the law prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes by vending machines in certain locations and to persons under 18.
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Urinating in the sea is an offense as per Spain
Spain has introduced a ban on beaches that prohibits urinating both on the sand and the sea; when caught, the offender must pay €750.
The Vigo City Council implemented this law. When they were questioned on how the practice could be measured for which the country has installed a wide network of bathrooms along the beaches.
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No flush in the night in Switzerland
A peaceful night is a peaceful sleep is what a country like Switzerland believes in; maybe that's why the country has made it mandatory not to flush in the night.
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If you have plans to visit Switzerland, make it a point not to flush the toilet at night, especially after 10 pm. This is done so that there will be no noise pollution and people around can have a better sleep. But then there comes a question about how people sleep with a stinking toilet.
Anyway, the law of the land should always be respected; make a note of backpackers and travelers.
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No tattoos in Sri Lanka
Some countries take their religion too seriously, and so with Sri Lanka. The Buddhist religion is widely worshipped as something sacred. Any tourist or backpacker seen with Buddhist tattoos is either deported back to where they come from or denied entry into the country.
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Backpackers, by chance, if you have got any such ink on your skin, hide it with some piece of clothing. And travelers never take photos standing or posing before any Buddha statute. There is a high chance that they will even be banned from entering the country, as this has already happened with a popular pop singer.
Japan's ban on painkillers
Backpackers, if you have any medical conditions and if you use painkillers, read this. Narcotics is illegal in Japan, and if this medication is part of your tablet box, you have to obtain special permission from Narcotics Control Department in Japan before taking it to Japan. This applies not only to narcotics as medicine but also to other medications like codeine and morphine, irrespective of the amount.
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For other medicines that are not narcotics, you must obtain a Yunyu Kakunin sho import certificate if you intend to bring more than one month's supply.
Other medicines that include
Pain killers like paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin
- Inhalers with ventolin, salbutamol, salmeterol
- Statins such as atorvastatin, simvastatin
- Blood pressure tablets such as beta blockers
- Antibiotics
- Vitamin tablets
- Eye drops, contact lenses, and solution
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As travelers, if you are so confused about what to take and what not to take, do not panic; once you land in Japan, contact the office closet.
Also Read: Japan with a new campaign, forcing young people to drink more alcohol!
Why Japan has such strange rules
The rise in opium devastated China during World War II as the country witnessed 40 million addicts, including the last empress. This is followed in Japan, so no such condition should ever arise in the future of Japan.
Backpackers should understand one thing we are foreigners who visit other nations for our enjoyment and relaxation. Knowing about the law of the land is our duty, and we must respect their laws by adhering to them. One must always stay safe while traveling and follow the customs, and not try to break the law.