Bradley Cooper With Maestro Makeover: ‘it’s A Jewface Stereotype'

Bradley Cooper With Maestro Makeover: ‘it’s A Jewface Stereotype'

Updated on August 17, 2023 16:30 PM by Andrew Koschiev

Bradley Cooper With Maestro Makeover: ‘it’s A Jewface Stereotype'

(Image Bradley Cooper With Maestro Makeover: ‘it’s A Jewface Stereotype' Credits: Forbes)


After the Leonard Bernstein biopic Maestro trailer's release, the fans were quick to observe this different feature between the real-life and the actor, triggered debates over jew stereotypes. Bradley Cooper has also caught himself over his heated debate about his prosthetic nose.

Back To Jake Gyllenhaal

Before the ‘jew nose’ controversy circulated in the media, Hollywood's most celebrated jew actor, Jake Gyllenhaal, was engaged in a long battle to play the role and produce the film. However, he lost the legal battles over the rights to utilize Leonard Bernstein's materials and clearly failed to get blessings of Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg’s character.

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Trailer Release

Recently, Netflix released photos of Bradley Cooper on set as Leonard Bernstein for upcoming Leonard Bernstein biopic Maestro film. Most fans reacted and were shocked at the actor's transformation. The Oscar-award-winning actor, Bradley Cooper, has used shocking film makeup in a new photoshoot where he transforms into legendary composer, Leonard Bernstein for the upcoming film ‘Maestro’.
The look, helmed by Oscar-winning makeup artist, Kazu Hiro, who ages 47-year-old Bradley Cooper by 25 years. Previously, Kazu Hiro was awarded an Academy Award for his work in the 2017 film Darkest Hour, starring Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill as well as the 2019 film ‘Bombshell’, which starred Charlize Theron as journalist Megyn Kelly.

The Film Was About

Bradley Cooper With Maestro Makeover: ‘it’s A Jewface Stereotype'

(Image Bradley Cooper With Maestro Makeover: ‘it’s A Jewface Stereotype' Credits: the bharat express news )

The Leonard Bernstein biopic Maestro film was produced by Martin Scorcese, Steven Spielberg, and others, and would tell the story of Leonard Bernstein, the New York philharmonic conductor who also wrote the score for ‘West Side Story’ along with other Broadway musicals.

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Prosthetic Nose Was Problematic

The debate among Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose in Maestro was about the size and significance of Cooper's elongated prosthetic nose, a feature that has been long associated with jews people. Some fans have posted a picture to affirm that Leonard Bernstein's actual nose was a little bit similar to the exaggerated prosthetic nose.
Not only that, some fans also commented the real Leonard Bernstein did not have the comical nose that Bradley Cooper shows in ‘Maestro’,  it seems entirely gratuitous given the striking resemblance.

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Nazi Propaganda Sparked

Other fans commented and claimed the film just resembles ‘Nazi Propaganda’. Some fans also questioned the rationale reason behind Bradley Cooper's decision to use a prosthetic nose considering his own natural nose is quite elongated, and called him as ‘Pinocchio’.


In summary, the concept of 'Jewface' has been debated across Hollywood for years now, but it did not mean that the film would not be enjoyed. In the upcoming Leonard Bernstein biopic Maestro film, Bradley Cooper plays the role of the legendary musical conductor, Leonard Bernstein, and Carey Mulligan, who plays his wife, Felicia Montealegre.

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