Katharine Performs on Stage Since Yadira’s Nanny’s Disastrous Accident

Katharine Performs on Stage Since Yadira’s Nanny’s Disastrous Accident

Updated on August 24, 2023 17:04 PM by Ella Bina

Accidental demise of nanny

Katharine Performs on Stage Since Yadira’s Nanny’s Disastrous Accident

(Accidental demise of nanny/Image Credits:Page Six, NZ Herald)

39 years old Katharine is married to 73 years old Foster and they both have a 2-year-old son Rennie whose nanny accidentally passed away when a SUV crashed into a dealership store of Toyota.

Private performance in Ravello

Katharine Performs on Stage Since Yadira’s Nanny’s Disastrous Accident

(Private performance in Ravello/Image Credits:The Mirror, Daily Star)

Two weeks after his death, Katharine mustered up some courage and performed on stage with her husband by her side in one of her private events in Italy. 73 years old Foster played piano while Katharine gave a lively performance on stage where she sang her heart out and showed some moves. 

Though both parents seemed to be joyful but deep-down people could sense a feeling of devastation and loneliness for their son’s nanny.

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Mourning together for Calito

Katharine wore a white strapped dress whereas her husband was seen wearing white suit while they showed solidarity with the late nanny. Their friend Bergen also performed with them and shared a video of them performing together in one of his Instagram posts. 

Singer Katharine shared with her fans in her Instagram post that at this crucial moment she wants to be with her family therefore she has canceled the last two stops of her and her husband’s Asia tour whereas Foster will perform his commitment alone.

What happened at Toyota dealership?

Katharine Performs on Stage Since Yadira’s Nanny’s Disastrous Accident

(What happened at Toyota dealership?/Image Credits:Daily Mail,News.com.au)

Calito, Rennie’s nanny, died at age of 55 when an old woman drove her car at the reception area of a Toyota dealership store and sadly ran the car onto Calito. According to the Los Angeles police department the 84-year-old woman pressed gas instead of brakes and has not been arrested yet. 

Calito was immediately taken to the hospital but she could not survive the injuries. Her loss has been mourned by Katharine and she looks distressed. Calito was a part of their family and was never considered a nanny. Katharine is doing her best to support Calito’s family.

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Rennie still absorbing the situation

On the other hand, Katharine’s 2-year-old son Rennie is too small to feel the tragedy but he does miss her beloved nanny as she was quite close to him. Sources reveal that it’s going to take a lot of time for the whole family to come out of this sad situation but the good thing is they all are dealing with this tragedy as one unit.

Megan’s statement to provide justice

Megan Maybee, director of communications at Toyota dealership has also extended her deepest sympathies to Calito’s family and has assured her presence in their difficult times. 

She further added, at Toyota we take responsibility for the safety of all our customers and we also want to provide justice to Calito’s family. We are fully cooperating with LA police and we commit for a transparent investigation. 


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