90 Day: Truth revealed leaving Holly lethal while Wayne’s finances secret exposed
90 Day: Truth revealed leaving Holly lethal while Wayne’s finances secret exposed
Updated on August 16, 2023 15:26 PM by Dhinesh

Lethal Holly
Imagine yourself at jiu-jitsu but still defending yourself against your disturbing thoughts. In the recent episode of 90 Day: The Other Way, Wayne took his girl Holly to jiu-jitsu so she learns how to defend herself but little does he know that she is actually defending herself against her constant thought of moving to another place and they both started quarrel on whether to stay here or move to a new place.
The instructor taught American moves which consist of how to lock someone in a chokehold during the first lecture of the session. But later they get to know that Holly is an expert in taking down her opponent which she showed several times by taking down her opponent to the mat. Wayne with a smiling expression added “That’s impressive” to which Holly responded ‘It’s true, I’m lethal.”
Dramatic Turns
Later on at home, while both of them were in the kitchen discussing things the same topic pops up again. Holly really wanted to get settled in a gated community but Wayne isn’t ready for that. Without telling Wayne, Holly started searching and booking new places. When Wayne heard this thing he said “ Baby, we spoke about this” he sounded frustrated.
When Holly&rsquo's mom visited their place she thought this place resembled the places in horror movies. They sometimes really hear strange noises because the house has been broken three times since its construction and Wayne can’t deny that.
As a matter of fact, Wayne didn’t have the money to move to a big place but during a conversation, he tried to explain that he spent a lot of his money on this house and had signed up for security too.Add Block
Concealed Truths

Every man wanted his girl to feel safe and sounded around her. Wayne wanted the same but when Holly came into his life she saw that his business was a success and flourishing like never before. She saw what Wayne had but after that, he lost one of his biggest contracts. Holly knows what exactly happened when these people sign me up for eight to nine jobs in a day but I haven't been entirely honest with her.
Holly&rsquo's home country of the U.S. was safe enough and she’s trying to make Wayne understand this by saying I jogged at night in graveyards. But Wayne replied “ My friend got shot through the gate. So the gated community is not a safe community.” I just wanted us to go and have a look she added but Wayne said it's not cheap to move rather it's much more expensive.
What Holly wants to explain in this whole episode was she doesn't know how her husband’s money works but if she is staying with him she should know everything going on. Wayne finally agreed to go with Holly and have a look at that place.
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