Top Reasons of Couples Arguments

Top Reasons of Couples Arguments

Updated on August 25, 2022 12:04 PM by admin

There's a good possibility that you and your spouse have argued at least once if you've been married for more than an hour. These conflicts might occasionally turn into tense disputes that could leave the couple with serious wounds.

For the sake of your marriage's future, it is essential to resolve conflicts amicably. While it may be tempting to end the relationship and find someone new, what if your partner is otherwise perfect and the arguments are the only thing holding you back?

It's time to focus on escaping the argument loop in that scenario. Understanding the causes of these arguments is the first step toward resolving the issues at hand and putting an end to unhealthy arguments. Here’s our guess at the top 10 reasons for relationship conflicts.

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This is one of the most likely to go unspoken because talking about it might make both people feel self-conscious when they're in bed, and sex is all about letting go of self-consciousness. However, it's rather easy, to sum up the distinctions. One spouse either desires more, the other desires less, or, in the worst situation, both.

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Together, sit down and create a budget. Accept the monthly review of costs. The discussion and argument about money might shift from the emotional to the practice if the meeting is scheduled in advance and both of you are completely honest when you sit down to talk.

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Affection and Care

Every partnership also needs to have closeness and care. So, when their wants are not addressed, it may result in arguments and conflicts.

For instance, according to Earnshaw LMFT, co-founder of OURS, a modern premarital counseling platform, and author of I Want This To Work, if a partner is trying to share their day with their significant other but they are not listening because they are scrolling through their phone, they may say, "You are so addicted to your phone," rather than "when you look at your phone, I feel lonely and want to connect."

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Earnshaw advises shifting your focus away from criticizing your partner's faults and more toward communicating and expressing how you're feeling to better handle these types of arguments.

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There have never been two people with the same requirements in these categories. One will always see the other as a slob. The other will appear to be a control freak to the slob.

The key to resolving this paradox is to accept these discrepancies and the fact that each party can only change so much at a time. Alternatively, you could have arguments.

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Deception memory syndrome

Many disputes center on how events are remembered rather than the specifics of what happened. To present themselves in the best possible light, everyone mythologizes the past.

Because each party utilizes imagination to augment memory—and even to construct memory—it becomes very difficult to figure out what went wrong when you disagree. Because you can never completely agree on basic truths, this is fertile ground for conflict.

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Accuse addiction

The need to assign blame when something goes wrong is a trait that the majority of people never outgrow. We believe that the force of circumstance is a dangerously irrational explanation. Self-blame is a trait of introverts. Extroverts hold others accountable. They frequently end up together because of this.

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There will always be couples at odds over having kids. Recognize that because you both adore them so much, tensions are high. Then, transform conflict into communication by beginning those conversations with, "I need your help figuring out how to deal with this."

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If you have children, the best way to raise them will often be the subject of heated debates. It used to be obvious that it was the mother. Depending on the period, the father.

Now, nobody knows for sure. Of course, one can attempt a calm, logical negotiation between two adults that results in a reasonable outcome for both parties. Or, one could request the help of a magical fairy. Either is as probable.

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Family Relations

Perhaps you have a slight sibling crush on her. Or possibly your mother feels unworthy of raising you. Or maybe she doesn't realize her father is a jerk because she mistakenly believes him to be Atticus Finch.

Typically, there is a big difference between how you and your partner view your family. Additionally, whether consciously or unconsciously, the way your parents interact with one another has shaped the way you interact.

Truth be told, even when they live thousands of miles away, relatives are impossible to avoid. All of these challenges will be multiplied by ten if your family is blended.

Past relationships

It's very normal to have arguments about ex-partners or the lingering effects of prior relationships.

It's been stated that having a little healthy jealousy in a relationship is beneficial, but working through those feelings with your spouse and growing stronger as a result is even healthier. Having jealousy about your partner's previous relationships is not only harmful to our relationship but is also detrimental to our mental health.

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Do you recall the song Time Is on My Side by The Rolling Stones? Well, it's incorrect. Family harmony is generally stolen by time. Every day, arguments between couples arise over who gets what share of the 24 hours.

Join forces rather than engage in combat. "Okay, the day, week, or vacation arrives. Let's choose how to adapt it to our needs. Make it a joint effort to defeat the common enemy, the time conspiracy.

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Do you frequently argue about pointless issues? Although it's not a good indicator, this frequently occurs in partnerships.

The reality is that we frequently lack clarity in our arguments as to why or what we are debating.

This type of argument may potentially be a symptom of a deeper problem in your relationship. Unresolved bitterness might simmer unnoticed for months till something seemingly trivial pushes you over the brink one day.

If you and your partner frequently argue about unimportant matters, it may be time for some introspection, honesty, and communication. This strategy "may help to tackle issues and prevent fights from even starting."

The upcoming

Have conflicting ideas about the future? That's going to come up in debates all the time. It must be the same vision for both of you, whatever your couple's future may hold.

To their disadvantage, many couples ignore this fact. You and your partner must be on the same page when discussing anything, including travel, having children, and retirement plans. The good news is that it's never too late to have these crucial discussions; the bad news is that you might not like the results.

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Use of screens

Phubbing is a current problem that won't go away anytime soon. Relationships can suffer greatly if one partner or both of you spend too much time staring at devices and neglect to pay attention to one another.

You will undoubtedly experience bitterness, rejection, and in some cases, rage if you are frequently ignored in favor of a screen. Frequently choosing social media over your significant other can be regarded as an attempt to run away.

Of course, many of us struggle with very serious screen addictions, which should be taken into account if you and your partner frequently have arguments about screen usage. One of the reasons why screen time is such a difficult concept to grasp.

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Some relationships break down because one partner is interested in religion while the other is not, while others quarrel about levels of commitment, basics of faith, and denominational preferences.

No matter the battle, live your faith with humility, authenticity, and integrity. Regardless of where your spouse stands, the closer you are to God, the closer you are to your partner. Your loyalty—not theirs—is what matters most in this situation.


What are their priorities—mine, hers, or ours—and who has the veto power? Priorities first In a marriage, power can only be acquired by giving it away. It's critical to keep in mind that love is always the top priority, that love is selfless, and that love "does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking."

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Resentment toward a competitor is the finest definition of jealousy. Everything in a marriage has the potential to be a rival. Children, property, friends, coworkers, and church obligations.

Rivalry's perception is just as potent as its actuality, and as such, it must never be ignored. Therefore, All Pro Dads, make it your mission to tell your wife the truth! You can't overdo this, but if you take her for granted, it could ruin your marriage.


The majority of disagreements between married people frequently revolve around the same sources of tension. You don't express yourself enough. In any case, she doesn't pay attention to what you have to say.

You labor too much and too long. She simply spends too much money. It continues forever. So let's declare a cease-fire now. Any couple will fight.

Sometimes the conversation revolves around classic issues like sex and money, and other times it's about more modern conflicts like how to spend each other's free time or how to use social media. However, we might overlook this in the heat of the moment: even happy couples have disagreements occasionally.

There's a good possibility that you and your spouse have argued at least once if you've been married for more than an hour. These conflicts might occasionally turn into tense disputes that could leave the couple with serious wounds.

For the sake of your marriage's future, it is essential to resolve conflicts amicably. While it may be tempting to end the relationship and find someone new, what if your partner is otherwise perfect and the arguments are the only thing holding you back?

It's time to focus on escaping the argument loop in that scenario. Understanding the causes of these arguments is the first step toward resolving the issues at hand and putting an end to unhealthy arguments. Here’s our guess at the top 10 reasons for relationship conflicts.

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