Why Little People, Big World's Matt Has No Right To Call His Kids Entitled

Why Little People, Big World's Matt Has No Right To Call His Kids Entitled

Updated on August 17, 2022 16:43 PM by Ava Sara

What Exactly Does Matt Roloff Thinks About His Kids?

Little People, Big World star Matt Roloff recently described his children as an entitled bunch, and the show's viewers are far from happy with this revelation. Even though the reality TV star gave the reasons why he believes his children are spoiled, a lot of people find his comments extremely offensive. Many believe that Matt is in the wrong for calling his children entitled. As a result, they blame him and his parenting skills for his children's behavior.

With each passing season of Little People's Big World, the rift between Matt Roloff and his children seems to be growing wider. Although it is not unheard of for families to have disagreements, the Roloff feuds just keep getting worse. For as long as anyone can remember, Matt and his ex-wife Amy have promised their children future ownership of Roloff Farms. However, with Matt's refusal to sell the farm to his children, that may not end up happening.

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Matt’s Kids Don’t Deserve To Run The Farm, Is That True? 

Although the main reason why Matt decided to put part of Roloff Farms up for sale remains unknown, due to his recent remarks, some LPBW fans believe that he feels his children don't deserve to run the farm. In a Reddit thread started by u/touchyfeely, fans of the show gathered to discuss why Matt shouldn't insult his children by calling them entitled. In the words of another Redditor on the thread, " It's the parents' job to teach accountability and set realistic expectations like what is expected for someone to eventually take over part of the farm." in the eyes of many of the series' viewers, if none of the Roloff children are worthy of taking over Roloff Farms, in accordance with Matt's standards, then there's no one to blame but him.

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Did You Know The Fact?

Despite the fact that many LPBW fans believe that Matt has no right to call any of his children entitled since they believe that the kids are that way because of his parenting, some actually believe the opposite. Of course, like everybody else, Matt isn't perfect, and he tries his best to do a good job of bringing up his children. His reason for calling them entitled was to acknowledge the fact that there were indeed flaws in his parenting style, which he obviously regrets. According to Redditor u/ParzivalPrincip, Matt's reason for calling his children entitled isn't to bring them down but to show them that they still have some growing up to do before facing a task as huge as running Roloff Farms. He said, " They’re adult-sized children without proper jobs. They barely got through high school. All of a sudden rewarding them with more responsibility would be setting them up for failure. Let them struggle in the real world first."

There seems to be a debate on whether Matt is wrong for calling his children entitled, but that doesn't change how he feels. The Little People Big World star seems to be sticking to his opinion and doesn't care about what others are saying. Irrespective of his belief, all of Matt and Amy's children appear to be doing what works best for them and their respective families.

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