Victoria Beckham posted an image of her feet resembling barnacles on her Instagram account
Victoria Beckham posted an image of her feet resembling barnacles on her Instagram account
Updated on July 26, 2022 15:14 PM by Evelyn Mia

An unflattering social media picture of Victoria Beckham's feet may have turned her off to David Beckham. This week, there have been a lot of photos taken of the couple and their brood in Croatia and now Saint Tropez, minus Brooklyn, and these photos have been posted on social media.
They have also been flirting to the point of a hurricane on social media, and their son Romeo, who has been married to Victoria for 22 years, even called on them to give up their relationship. There is a pretty good chance that Victoria will delete her husband's recent post when she sees it in front of his 74 million followers.
There were parallels between David's wife's feet and one of the Percebes in the photos on his phone. Are there any others who think the feet resemble those of Percebes? The post was also tagged by Posh Spice so that she wouldn't miss it if she didn't see it.
Throughout Victoria's adult life, she has had to cope with the burden of wearing stilettos that are awkwardly poised and leave her with bunions and backaches. She has called her feet 'the bane of my existence in the past.
Related: When Victoria Beckham Goes on Vacation, She Puts on a Spice Girls Karaoke Show

Aside from the fact that she dislikes her feet the most, there's another thing the mum hates about herself - the smell that comes out of them. Ironically, Victoria wears heels even though she suffers from health complications. The hatred I have for ballerina flats goes beyond the words I can use to describe it.
My problem with heels is simply that I am not capable of walking in them unless they are being worn by ballet dancers doing ballet. It is love at first sight for me."
There have been several hilarious posts Victoria has made about her hubby leading up to their holiday season as a response to David's hilarious Instagram dig. The first time she posted a picture of him wearing pink shorts, it was extremely revealing.