The highly literate country with the World's best doctor-patient Ratio, some interesting facts about Cuba 

The highly literate country with the World's best doctor-patient Ratio, some interesting facts about Cuba 

Updated on April 07, 2023 20:07 PM by Andrew Koschiev

The super costliest cities and the world heritage cars with the famous ancient buildings Cuba is the best and safest place the women solo travellers.

There are hundreds if not thousands of interesting facts about Cuba here. I have snicked some of the interesting facts about Cuba.

Big Push against Illiteracy

Cuba is such a small country with the bigger literacy rate of 99.8%. I could not even think about this literacy rate how this could happen in other countries. This push was done in the 20th century.

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Two Currency Country

How can one country have two currencies? Have you ever heard about this before? CUP (Cuban Peso) CUP (Convertible Peso). The Cuban Peso is the national currency.

Cuba Cigars was World Famous

The cigars made in Cuba are World famous because of its flavours and originality. The major exports of Cuba were sugarcane, nickel, and cigars, and liquors.

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The Colonies of Flamingo

The Beautiful birds with tall necks and drumstick legs live in colonies. Cuba is the home to the largest flamingo colonies in the western hemisphere.

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The Living God

Whom do we call living doctors? Doctor's! Am I correct? They are called living doctors. You know Cuba has an exact doctor-patient Ratio. So, they send their doctors to all the countries whenever medical aid is required.

Tiny Creatures are in Cuba

The World's smallest Frog and the World's smallest Humming Bird are found in Cuba. These are the tiny creatures of Frog and Bird.

World’s Heritage Sites

Do You Believe they are nine World Heritage sites? Two of them natural and the other seven cultural heritage sites. One Havana is one of the cultural world cultural heritages. I hope this will be interesting information about Cuba.

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