Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea-Interesting Facts about Florida
Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea-Interesting Facts about Florida
Updated on November 22, 2021 04:37 AM by Ava Sara
Florida was the home for Walt Disney, Universal studio, and some of the best beaches in the Country. Is this fact alone enough for the people who are starting to explore Florida and for those planning for their vacations?
More fun and interesting Facts about the brightest State in the Country.
The History behind the Name

Florida, why is it called so? Something we can relate to is flowers, right! Yes, I guessed correctly. The original name of Florida is La Florida which means the blossoms of flowers. Some historians visited Florida during Easter. They saw the flowers blooming everywhere. Hence they named it Florida.
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Orange Juice, Orange Blossom, and What Else Orange

Orange is a bright colour. Florida adopted their state motto as "In God We Trust" in 2006. The state legislature chooses Orange juice as their National Juice and Orange Blossom as their state flower. Something interesting, right!
You can prepare Fresh Salads with Fresh Fruits

Oh! Yes, who else doesn't love fresh fruits? Come lets all travel to Florida. 50% of the countries fresh fruits and vegetables are from Florida. They produce fresh market beans, oranges, grapes, squash, and sugarcane.
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Crocodiles and Alligators in the Wild

The Scary Crocodiles and the Alligators. Do they both can live together? I haven't heard anything like this. Did You? South Florida is the only place where alligators and crocodiles live together.
Pack Bags to visit Florida

Why should you visit Florida? The Beach is the main reason to visit Florida for every 60 miles; you can find the saltwater in Florida. That sounds great, right? The only State that covers two oceans is Florida.