An abandoned New York Mansion for $495k

An abandoned New York Mansion for $495k

Updated on April 20, 2022 16:09 PM by Andrew Koschiev

Mansion on the market in New York

There's a spooky 11-bedroom mansion on the market in New York state that hasn't been used in decades, and many are saying it's eerie.William O. Wyckoff, the first owner of the Carleton Island Villa on Carleton Island, supposedly died of a heart attack on his first night in the home, according to New York Upstate.

Architect William Henry Miller

However, his death came as a double shock to the family, as his wife had recently passed away months earlier. Architect William Henry Miller created the house for Wyckoff, which was built on Carleton Island in Cape Vincent in 1895 and is now a museum.An ex-owner claimed to have made a fortune working with Remington Arms Company on the development of a typewriter before purchasing the property as a getaway home.

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Wyckoff's estate

His sons reportedly inherited Wyckoff's estate after his tragic death. The deteriorating estate has changed hands several times throughout the years, but it hasn't been occupied since it was abandoned in 1927.The family sold it to General Electric during the Great Depression with the intention of using it as a summer vacation. However, the economic slump impeded its goals, and more degradation happened during World War II when everything useful—such as doors and windows—was taken for the war effort. There were other changes made to the building's exterior as well.


Barricades have been placed around the edifice, which is now little more than a ruin and a shell exposed to the elements. From the inside, you can see disintegrating architectural structures, barren fireplaces that formerly held elaborate vignettes, and peeling walls that support a partially collapsed roof.This once-grand floor plan has been reduced to rubble by the ravages of time, with some upper floors rotting away and numerous dividers succumbing to the wear and tear that has taken its toll.

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50 rooms

Even yet, it used to be a gem in the neighborhood, with at least 50 rooms and a tower, both of which were demolished as they became a safety hazard.St. Lawrence Riverfront mansion is on the market for $495,000. There is no way to know for sure how much it would cost to restore the house to its former magnificence, so don't let the low price deceive you:

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Barry Kukowski

In part, the high price is attributable to the inconvenient location, where supplies must be brought by water. According to Barry Kukowski of Howard Hanna realtors, the wreck has been on the market since 2012 and is currently looking for a new owner who can restore it.Selling features are highlighted in the listing, which reads as follows: "6.9-acre Carleton Island Villa offers three waterfronts: 198' in front of Villa, 287' North Bay, and 330' South. The house has been vacant for more than 70 years.

Upper levels' wood frames

"Even though it has a stone base, the upper levels' wood frames are deteriorating. The Island has power and water is drawn from the River, but the Villa does not have any of these facilities."The Villa was built in 1895 and was in use until at least 1927. Contractors were permitted access to the Villa during the World War II era, and they removed the interior and all of the doors and windows, leaving it completely exposed to the weather."

According to, the island, which has a smattering of residences, is primarily used as a tourist destination during the summer months.Redditors spotted the deteriorating mansion earlier this month and posted photos of it to the site. For just $495,000, you may own this "terrifying estate".As TheKatzMeow84 stated, "Holy crap, I want that place!" There were thousands of comments and upvotes on the article.PickleReaper0 wrote: "As a matter of fact? I'd buy it and put some work into it. Now I've got a spooky demon house."As far as Drippy Dreamer was concerned, he concluded: "Even if the devils find out, I'll take it. With roommates, you can't get much worse than this."

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