Scary intruder escapes from Eric & Eliza Roberts

Scary intruder escapes from Eric & Eliza Roberts

Updated on August 16, 2022 21:23 PM by Dhinesh

Eric and Eliza Roberts’s experience

The terrifying experience that Eric and Eliza Roberts went through was caused by an invader who evidently had his eyes set on Eliza as she walked up her driveway in the middle of night.

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San Fernando Valley

Eliza informs us that her daughter drove her to their house in the San Fernando Valley on Friday night at around 9 o'clock in the evening. Eliza got out of the car at the curb, said her daughter farewell, and then entered the code on the gate to her property. After it opened, she proceeded to stroll up the long road to the residence.

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The intruder

At precisely the same moment as Eliza went inside, Eric went outside and came face to face with the intruder, who was standing only a few steps from the entrance to the building.

The man glanced at Eric and said, "I know you," apparently recognizing Eric from his work in movies. The man looked at Eric and said, "I know you." Eric was taken aback by the guy's presence and inquired as to his purpose for being there. Eric became concerned when the man could not provide a satisfactory response and instructed him to "pound it."

Also read- San Fernando valley

The burglar, Eliza, and Police

While the stranger made his way back down the dark driveway, Eric stepped into the house. After that, he and Eliza became aware that the man may still be hiding in the bushes, so they decided to call the police.

A little while later, the police came, but there was no indication that the burglar was still there. Eliza is one fortunate woman since all indications point to an intruder who was up to no good inside the house.

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