Volleyball is just more an intense version of 'don't let the balloon hit the Floor

Volleyball is just more an intense version of 'don't let the balloon hit the Floor

Updated on October 13, 2021 03:32 AM by Andrew Koschiev

Are you an active player, then every one of us might have heard this interesting game Volleyball? Here we have summarized many insights about this energetic game. This will help you to inspire your teammate to step into the court.

The Journey of the Ball

Do you think the Journey is very short? No, it’s a journey of about 100 years started in 1895 by William .G.Morgan that created a balance between baseball, basketball, tennis, and handball. Minonette that transformed to volleyball. The ball is thrown almost in all the parts of the world.

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Ball Get Into Swing

The ball rapidly spread in 1940-1950s, and it changed in competitive sport in the Olympic games of Tokyo. Previously it was played at Paris Olympics in 1924. But, Until Tokyo Olympics, it was not played officially.

Hit the Ball Out of the World

This popular must have some world records. Yes, the people from Yung chin sports academy from Taiwan gathered 299 people to control the ball for almost 10 seconds each. An average of 300 times, a single player will jump inside the court until the game ends.

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The Air Pump to Power the Ball

Is it what the pump is? Yes, for playing a decent game, the rules are the pump. The team of six members will play the game one serves the ball from outside the court. Can you believe the ball can reach the opponent up 84 mph speed? Oh! The pace is unimaginable.

Pressure Buster Game

The Hand’s keep punching the ball with tremendous energy. And the constant sprints around the court Helps you to burn lots of stress and energy.

One of the wildest dreams of William .G. Morgan would be the game he found should be played all over the world. Yes, that’s become true; volleyball is the fourth most famous played game.

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