Just Scroll Down To Know Top 10 Interesting Psychological Facts About Love!

Just Scroll Down To Know Top 10 Interesting Psychological Facts About Love!

Interesting Psychological facts about love

Updated on January 11, 2022 15:56 PM by Andrew Koschiev

Every living being in the world will fall in love. Do you? Nobody in the world can say No, to this question. Love is a mystery! While poets and songwriters, put eloquent words to picture love, but love remains a complicated mystery. Nobody can know how it will come to a person. Here, we dug through pages of studies and texts to unveil the surprising psychological facts about love.

Fall in love can decrease appetite

Dopamine is the actual culprit, it is known as one of the happiness hormones. This hormone can make people feel giddy and euphoric and it leads to a decrease in appetite and insomnia which means sleeplessness.

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Begin in love, bring changes within you

If you find yourself that suddenly you love Mexican food when you didn’t eat before, you might want to credit to your partner. A study published in the journal of personality and Social Psychology found that people who fall in love often have different interests and personalities.

Love is blind

We may have heard this dialogue in many films in different situations, but the actual truth behind this phrase was uncovered by Harvard Medical School Professors. They found that how the feeling of love deactivates the neural pathway responsible for negative emotions. So when you fall in love, your ability to make critical assessments will shut down.

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Gratitude can improve relationships

Studies have found that couples who took their time express gratitude for their partner not only felt more positive toward the other person but also felt more comfortable expressing concerns about their relationship.

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Chocolate, the other love drug

When someone falls in love, their brain releases a hormone known as Phenylethylamine, which is also called ‘Love drug’. It is this hormone that is responsible for making partners fall madly in love with each other. This hormone will also secrete while eating chocolates. This is why you cannot stop after one piece.

The brain falls in love, not the heart

Many scientists have gone back and forth on whether it is the brain that falls in love or the heart. Finally, they believe that ultimately the brain, though the heart is related. Activation in some parts of the brain can generate simulation in the heart and butterflies in the stomach.

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Love doesn’t have an age limit

You may think that deep love is restricted exclusively to the honeymoon phase of your life. But a study conducted in 2011 showed that you can still love your partner after a decade of marriage. Hence, those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age but they die young!.

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The love hormone is two-faced

Oxytocin hormone will act as a friend as well as an enemy. Why because, if a healthy level of oxytocin is maintained, then it can help couples to feel connected towards their partners, but if the hormone level is triggered high, it can fuel toxic habits like jealousy and irritability.

Two heart rates start to synchronize

Like love birds, when the couples are in a deep relationship with their partners, then their hearts will begin to beat at the same rate. If we put it in another way, there are physiological signals which pass between two people who are in a relationship.

Love may hurts

Love may hurt! Researchers called it Broken Heart Syndrome. As a result, the weakening of the heart’s main pumping chamber, which leads to severe emotional or physical stress. It occurs mostly exclusively for women.

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