Catching Rats, Typing News, Cutting Ice Were A Professional Job In Past Decades

Catching Rats, Typing News, Cutting Ice Were A Professional Job In Past Decades

Updated on December 24, 2021 10:30 AM by siva

While listening to the past period stories of grandparents, the grandchildren who are living in the modernized world will feel strange about the culture, jobs, celebrations, and more. Because the past system is more different than the present life pattern of people, we are living. Not only the personal stories of your grandparents, while realizing some strange jobs that existed in the past and become worthless or unnecessary in the present period, you must also feel weird and funny. So go through this page to learn about the strange jobs that existed in the past and did not exist in the advanced world's current system.

Doctor With Wands To Cure Without Touching

The masks become usual during the pandemic period. But before many centuries, the masks and frightening-looking costumes were used by the healthcare professionals called Plague Doctors. The doctors use the long mask with the herbs and spices as an air purifier. Also, wands were used by the plague doctors to treat the patients without touching them.

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Humans As Manual Calculators

As the importance of calculation increases, more advanced gadgets and applications are introduced for calculations. But in the 17th century, there were no advanced gadgets and technology, so humans (mostly women) were used as calculators to do the calculations using their hands and boards. As a professional human calculator, they need to do long measures using their hands by taking only a few short breaks. The invention of electrical and mechanical calculators gave rest to the hands of human calculators.

Playing With Rats Is Fun; Catching Rats Is A Job

This job is so hard because catching the running rat is not easy, right. Catching rats was a job in the Victorian era. The person who is doing the job of capturing the rats was called Ratteners. During those days, in the local pubs playing with the rats was fun. At the time of the pandemic due to the black plague, the Rattner's job became famous to lessen the disease spread due to rats.

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Before A Refrigerator Ice Blocks Is The Freezer

Currently, preserving the food materials in the refrigerator is common. But before familiarizing the system of using a fridge for preserving food, the ice blocks were used to store the food items safely. During the 1800s, there were professionals 'Ice-cutters' who will provide the ice to their customers by cutting the huge ice blocks suitable for the customer's requirements. After introducing the refrigerator, the need for ice blocks is gone, and the ice-men profession has disappeared.

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Bowling Pins Arranged By Humans

Playing bowling games with friends or alone will be an amusing moment for everyone. Besides playing, looking at the bowling pins arranged by the organizing machine will be beautiful as it will fix the dropped pins perfectly. But in the beginning period of the bowling game, pins were arranged by the humans in between each round of bowls by players. The person who set down the pins of the bowling game was called "professional alley pinsetters" before the period of 1936. The invention of machines to re-set the bowling pins made the work easy and made the pinsetter profession go.

Not Breaking Technical Security System, Its Breaking Trees

These days, the term hackers will make people imagine a person fighting with technical codes and computers to break the technical security system. But during the 1960s, the 'hacker' job was not breaking the technical codes; people breaking the trees that are hacking down the trees are called hackers. These jobs also disappeared as they were taking over by machines.

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Reproduction Of News Articles By Typing Operators

In the present advanced world, the single click will spread the news globally, But in the 1960s, not a single click thousands of clicks were needed to spread the news. In those days, the "Linotype Operators" redone the newspaper articles by making the articles by typing each detail using the metal typesetter. The advancing technology has changed the news spreading system, the "Linotype Operators" job becomes unnecessary.

Lots Of Labours For Train Track Maintenance

Before the technology invention, many people were hired to maintain train tracks manually around the 60s and 70s. The railroad companies hired Railroad keepers in the name of Gandy Dancers. Though the manual labor for maintaining rail tracks still exists, the count of laborers is diminished due to technology involvement.

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