Effect Of The August Full Blue Moon On Your Zodiac Sign!

Effect Of The August Full Blue Moon On Your Zodiac Sign!

Updated on August 25, 2023 16:59 PM by Emma Alice

Effect of the August Full Blue Moon on your zodiac sign!

(Effect of the August Full Blue Moon on your zodiac sign!/Image Credits:Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong)

The full moon in August will be at its brightest and is a rare seasonal blue moon. This blue moon only rises about once every two or three years. This blue moon differs from the more well-known blue moon, the second full moon in a month. Neither is blue in actuality.

The term 'blue moon'!

The term "blue moon" has two distinct meanings based on NASA.

  • The first: Since there is generally only one full moon every month, this is the second full moon to appear during a calendar month.
  • Second, there are four full moons this season (as opposed to the normal three), making it the third full moon to rise. Every three-month period in a calendar season corresponds to three full moons.

August's first full moon this year was the Sturgeon Moon on August 1. For those who adore the moon, this month will also have a second full moon, known as a blue moon, that rises on August 30.

Continue reading for a complete horoscope from factswow.com to better understand how the Blue Moon will bring harmony and practicality into your life.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)!

(Aries/Image Credits:unsplash)

The full moon in Aries will lighten your twelfth house of contemplation and spirituality. The lunar energy encourages you to slow down and engage with your inner world.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)!

(Taurus/Image Credits:unsplash)

Friendship is in the air as the full moon shines on Taurus' eleventh house of groups and friends. This energy will inspire you to seek important, therapeutic communities to join together and explore vision.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)!

(Gemini/Image Credits:unsplash)

Gemini should be prepared for their job difficulties to weigh them down during this light period. As the full moon passes in the tenth house of career and reputation in the air sign, it also warns that stress may be high and that you should let go of some aspects of your profession.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)!

(Cancer /Image Credits:unsplash)

Don't be shocked if you have traveled on the brain throughout this insane period. The Piscean influence encourages you to extend your views and look for fresh viewpoints.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)!

(Leo/Image Credits:unsplash)

Leo's eight houses of intimacy and resources take the stage during this full moon phase. The fire sign should confidently embrace intimacy and close relationships with those they love.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)!

(Virgo/Image Credits:unsplash)

Mercury retrograde will be particularly challenging for Virgos, but spending time on your relationships will help this lunation go more easily. The Piscean energy encourages you to have a stronger emotional connection with your mate or other loved ones.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)!

(Libra/Image Credits:unsplash)

To achieve equilibrium in daily life, Libra is crucial. Finding a balance between your daily activities and your physical and emotional health is encouraged by the full moon.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 22)!

(Scorpio/Image Credits:unsplash)

During this full moon, Scorpio, embrace your artistic tendencies, tap into your creative energy, and let your imagination run wild. Projects that enable you to express who you truly are are supported by this energy.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)!

(Sagittarius/Image Credits:unsplash)

Prepare for a change in the home and family area for Sagittarians. Now is the moment to discuss the emotional ties inside your family's dynamic. For you people, it’s a great time for a home reset.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)!

(Capricorn/Image Credits:unsplash)

This luncheon will stimulate Capricorn's third house of education, and the earth sign will feel compelled to engage in conversations that inspire, uplift, and explore opportunities for intellectual growth.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)!

(Aquarius/Image Credits:unsplash)

The focus of this full moon for Aquarians is "money, money, money. Piscean Energy motivates you to re-examine your moral principles and financial objectives. It is the time to be resourceful and look for emotional fulfillment outside of financial things.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)!

(Pisces/Image Credits:unsplash)

The lunation falls in Pisces' first house; therefore, the water sign will have increased "intuition and emotional sensitivity." Use this energy to create intentions for your development and manifestation by embracing self-care and self-love.

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