Here are some fascinating facts about the common cold
Here are some fascinating facts about the common cold
Your Eyes catch a common Cold;
Updated on March 08, 2022 12:44 PM by Andrew Koschiev
The respiratory illness may confuse you that either you are suffering from common cold or flu. You may not know more about the difference between the virus that causes the common cold and flu. But through the symptoms, the doctor will find which virus is making you suffer. Hence, you could know some interesting notions about the illness that you may suffer from many times but not have an idea about the facts on this page. So spend your time on this page to know some fascinating facts about the common cold.
Categories Of Symptoms Of Common Cold

The symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, and sinus pressure will be the commonly known symptom of the common cold. But there are three types of symptoms that have a separate list of symptoms in each category. The three categories of common cold symptoms are nasal symptoms, head symptoms, and whole-body symptoms. Each symptom also has a list of various symptoms that will occur when the common cold comes into the body.
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Eyes Are The Catcher Of Cold

You may know about capturing a scene through the eyes, but have you heard about catching a virus through the eyes? You may know that the common cold is an infectious disease. But do you know which organs in your body will support the entry of cold-causing viruses? Though you get contact with the virus through the hands, also the virus will enter into the nasal cavity through the eye ducts. Hence while touching your eyes after touching the cold infected person or virus-infected area, you will give an entry to the cold-causing virus into your body.
Cold Virus Alive For Two Days

Don't believe that the cold virus is gone from your home if it has gone from your body. Though you got a cure from cold as the common cold virus went from your body, it doesn't mean that the cold-causing virus has completely left your home. The bottles, tablets, phones, keyboards, and other things you touch while suffering from cold may spread the virus. Though the virus is not in your body, it can be alive for two days on the outside.
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Water From Your Nose Doesn't Say That More Water In Your Body.

While suffering from a cold, a runny nose will be a symptom, and you won't feel thirsty more. But it doesn't mean that the water content in your body is more while suffering from. The cold will dehydrate faster. Hence it is important to intake water properly. The warm drinks will be a better choice.
Having Cold Not Hungry, However, Eat Food For Energy
You may not feel hungry while suffering from a cold. But your body will need energy, so you should eat the energy food. As well you should choose the food which will help you to recover from the cold. The food which will make you feel warm and recover from cold is chicken noodle soup, yogurt, hot tea, Popsicle, and more.