STI Causing Virus That Enter Into Body By Openings In Body Incorporate Into Body Cells And Adapt The Environment To Initiate Infections

STI Causing Virus That Enter Into Body By Openings In Body Incorporate Into Body Cells And Adapt The Environment To Initiate Infections

Updated on December 23, 2021 14:46 PM by Andrew Koschiev

The sexually transmitted infection (STI), which causes herpetic sores in fluid-filled bumps, is called Genital herpes. The painful blisters that are caused due to STI Genital herpes could break and discharge fluid. The virus that causes genital herpes will enter the body through the skin abrasions or lining tissue's thin layer mucous membranes in the opening of the body such as mouth, nose, and genitals. Though there is no cure for this disease currently, the condition, outbreaks, and symptoms can be managed with medications.

Types Of Virus That Cause Genital Herpes

 Two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV) that cause genital herpes is HSV-1 and HSV-2. The HSV-1 type virus will generally cause cold sores. However, it can cause genital herpes. The HSV-2 type virus typically causes genital herpes and also cold sores. These viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 will be found in bodily fluids, semen, saliva, and vaginal secretions.

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Enter And Adapt To Environment

 The virus that causes genital herpes will enter the body using mucous membranes or skin abrasions. After entering into the body, the virus could incorporate itself into the body cells. As the virus could adapt to the environment inside the body and multiply very easily, treating this disease is difficult.


Symptoms Of Genital Herpes

 If the infection is with the penis, the blisters will occur on the scrotum, penis, or buttocks near or around the anus. If the infection is with the vagina, then the blisters will be near or around the vagina, buttocks, or anus. Other than the penis and vagina, the blister can appear on the area such as the mouth, face, lips, and others that had contact with the infected area. There will be itching or tingling before the blisters appear on the infected area.

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Factors That Increase The Risk Of Disease

 Lack of immunity to fight against STI, not using condoms or other barrier factors while having sex, and having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with genital herpes infected person will increase the risk of contracting genital herpes.

Meet Doctor And Diagnose The Disease

 The home care methods such as bathing in warm water using mild cleansers, keeping the infected area clean, comfortable, and dry will be helpful to manage. The anti-viral drugs will also help heal the sores, reduce pain and symptoms by speeding up the healing process. But a suitable treatment will be suggested by the doctor after completing a visual test and laboratory tests of the infection. So it is significant to meet the doctor while detecting the symptoms of genital herpes.

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