Some of the worst celebrities in Hollywood when it comes to personal hygiene

Some of the worst celebrities in Hollywood when it comes to personal hygiene

Updated on August 02, 2022 18:50 PM by Anna P

You can probably afford soap, shampoo, and deodorant if you're a rich and famous actor, right? If you desired, you could even hire professional bathers. These celebrities are some of the most popular and most prominent stars in movies and TV, so it must be motivational issues.

A star of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is allegedly afflicted with foul body odor? Wouldn't it be nice to have two beautiful cast members from one of the most successful sitcoms in history? One of them is prone to smelling of "tuckers," while the other is alleged to have performed some particularly private "landscaping" on her couch.

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There are more things on this list, and they all get worse. Stars can be downright disgusting at times. Personal hygiene is the lowest among these stars. Here are some celebs who get a big fat F for personal hygiene from Tinseltown's A-list.

After the 2013 Met Gala, did Gwyneth Paltrow swear she would never attend another one? In reality, anyone standing next to the Oscar winner probably had a worse experience than she did. The National Enquirer reported that Gwyneth had an intense nose due to the hot lights, but she looked picture-perfect. I sense she didn't know what was happening because it was low.

Gwyneth heard that aluminum is supposedly carcinogenic and that applying an aluminum-based deodorant directly to these sensitive armpit glands increases the likelihood of breast cancer, according to a friend of the actress. The actress says she'd rather be smelly than dead even though she's trying to brand new deodorants. A minimum of two people waved their hands before their noses after passing her.

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