Sleeping one way can lower your risk of developing Dementia

Sleeping one way can lower your risk of developing Dementia

Updated on February 11, 2022 15:23 PM by Laura Mendes

What is Dementia?

DEMENTIA refers to a group of symptoms that are all related to ongoing cognitive decline. By 2050, 152 million people are expected to be affected by this brain ailment. It is the loss of cognitive functioning, thinking, remembering, and reasoning. Sleep Specialist, Narwan  Amini from Each night,  has shared the health benefit of different sleeping positions. Despite getting enough sleep and not malice your back, the manner you sleep can also aid your neurological health.

Sleeping on one side

"Sleeping on your side has been found to be the most beneficial position for your brain," the expert said. “With the position helping your brain to clear out interstitial waste faster than other positions. “This leads to multiple benefits, including potentially reducing the risk of developing neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.”

Expert says

Each night experts disclosed that the most harmful position to sleep in for your overall health is on your stomach. According to them, It can induce strained muscles and joints, stiffness, and back and neck pain,  As per Stony Brook University researchers, sleeping on your side is the most adequate way to annihilate brain damage. Dr Helene Benveniste stated: "It is interesting that the lateral sleep position is already the most popular in humans and most animals - even in the wild - and it appears that we have adapted the lateral sleep position to most efficiently clear our brain of the metabolic waste products that built up while we are awake.

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