Most common ways to Avoid Road Accidents
Most common ways to Avoid Road Accidents
Updated on August 17, 2022 18:05 PM by Andrew Koschiev
You have completed the necessary coursework, you are familiar with the statistics, and you are prepared to drive. But what about the data suggesting that teen drivers are the most likely to be in a collision?
When operating a vehicle, you must make sure to take certain precautions to avoid getting into an accident in the first place. If simple precautions are adopted, a large number of incidents that occur across the nation can be avoided.
Road accidents happen to drivers regardless of their experience, whether they have their license for a year or 40. Additionally, 5,676 injury-causing traffic crashes were reported in total last year.
There were regrettably 56 dead road users among the 8,872 casualties. There are many different reasons why accidents occur, but a recurring pattern in PSNI statistics each year reveals that the vast majority (51%) of crashes are caused by human behavior.
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Here are the most common ways to avoid road Accidents
Pick the Vehicles with Suitable safety features

The first consideration should be made even before you purchase a vehicle. Compare the safety ratings of each vehicle before making a choice.
The likelihood of an accident when operating a vehicle is decreased by driving a car with greater safety features. If your car has stronger safety features, you may be able to acquire a reduced premium estimate. It is the first way that should help you to avoid road accidents.
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Always keep your Eyes on the Road

This may be one of the common things to remember while operating a motor vehicle. You need to take care that nothing happening in the car diverts your attention from the road. It is generally suggested against multitasking when operating a vehicle or other tasks like combing your hair or tying your tie.
Driving while somewhat distracted increases the likelihood that an accident will come from a distraction. You must always be vigilant and ready for anything since Indian roadways are unpredictable. The second and the most important way to avoid road accidents.
Do not cross the speed limit

Driving beyond the speed limit is dangerous for you and other drivers on the road in addition to being against the law. Driving faster may enable you to save some time, but it also raises the likelihood of an accident.
Because of the increased speed, it takes the car longer to stop when the brakes are engaged. If the vehicle is not well handled, the ensuing abrupt halt could result in serious injuries. If you are not vigilant, pedestrians or any animals that suddenly cross the road could have a disastrous effect.
It is advised to always drive under the posted speed limit. If you are traveling at a slower speed than the other cars on the road, you are encouraged to keep to the left. Make careful to always pass another vehicle from the right side if you want to pass one going at a slower speed.
Try to use the indicator to give the other motorist a heads-up that you are about to overtake. The speed limit should be maintained to avoid road accidents.
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This advertisement, which urges all drivers in Northern Ireland to slow down, is another one that we have viewed in dread. Although it concentrates on male drivers, the message that speed kills is relevant to all ages and genders.
Speeding shortens your reaction time and increases your risk of getting involved in a tragic crash. Every journey should account for inclement weather, icy conditions, and traffic volume. Always err on the side of caution by adhering to the posted speed limits. If unsure, go more slowly.
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Never forget to wear your seat belt

The most crucial thing you should always use when operating a vehicle is a seat belt. This is the most important safety precaution you need to follow when driving. Absent a seat belt, collisions with the dashboard or steering wheel can result in severe injuries to the lungs and ribcage.
We've all seen gruesome television commercials for road safety throughout the years, like this one, cautioning us about the risks of not using a seatbelt. You should always wear a seatbelt in a car even if it's not required by law because it only takes a moment to do so. This is the most important way to avoid road accidents.
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Look out for blind spots

There are a few blind spots in a car, so always be aware of them. You should be particularly cautious of the area of the car that is behind the car pillars. Take care when making turns, changing lanes, and reversing out of a parking space.
The view from the rearview mirror is incomplete. You need to keep an eye out for any incoming side traffic. To make up for the rear-view mirror's blind area, use the outside mirror on each side of the car.

One of the main causes of accidents on Indian roadways is tailgating. Many drivers don't always maintain the required minimum space between two moving cars on the road. The lack of distance makes it harder to react if you don't do this.
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You can also use another straightforward technique to monitor the distance between the two vehicles. Make sure you can see the bottom bumper of the vehicle in front of you. This effectively indicates that there is a gap of about 5 feet between the two cars. This spacing ought to allow for quick reactions to any unexpectedly sudden halt.
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Watch out for motorcyclists and jaywalkers

While leaving such spacing in between cars may contribute to some accidents, it may also result in other issues. Jaywalkers and motorcyclists are constantly looking for these openings and will make an effort to fit through.
These jaywalkers frequently step out of this opening and turn toward approaching or passing automobiles. You can use your horn at this point. Use the horn to alert any pedestrians who could cross in front of your car.
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Never drive under the influence of alcohol

If you've had a drink, don't operate a vehicle. This holds regardless of intake volume. Alcohol can cause you to make poor decisions and can be fatal when driving. Driving while intoxicated is prohibited by law as well.
Your license may be lost as a result. This holds for all alcoholic beverages. Under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, a minor error in judgment can cause an accident. At all costs, avoid driving after ingesting alcohol. You should avoid alcohol while driving to avoid road accidents.
Follow traffic rules

As you drive your car, be sure to obey all traffic laws. The safety of everyone using the roadways, including pedestrians, has been taken into consideration when developing traffic safety regulations.
Make sure the space between the vehicles is maintained at the proper distance. While operating a vehicle, pay attention to how other motorists are being treated on the road. The most important way to follow is to avoid road accidents.Add Block
Avoid driving when you are Sleepy

Driving when fatigued might result in tragic collisions on Indian roadways. The car's driver needs to be well rested. Loss of mental awareness and alertness may be caused by inadequate sleep.
You won't have enough time to respond to any issue on the road because reflexes will slow down. This can occasionally have fatal results. Avoid driving when feel sleepy to avoid road accidents.
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Try to follow lane discipline

Yes, adhering to lane regulations may be one of the most difficult things to do when driving on Indian roads, but doing so can help everyone on the road save a lot of hassle. Many motorcycle riders attempt to squeeze through the tiniest opening between two cars.
Be sure to stay in your lane. Only go to the right lane if you want to pass the car in front of you or if you want to make a right turn. When changing lanes, at least a few seconds should be spent using your indicators.
Look out for Cautions Sign

On the road, be on the lookout for any warning signs. These warning signs serve as a warning of potential dangers on the road ahead. A warning sign is typically present in accident-prone areas. If you see one of these signs on the road, try to slow down your car.
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Avoid using your mobile phone while driving

If you're not careful, using a mobile phone while driving can have the worst effects on both you and the other drivers on the road. Avoid using a phone while operating a vehicle.
Only use your phone in an emergency. Pull over to the side of the road and answer a phone call if you want to do so. It must be dangerous so you should avoid using your phone to avoid road accidents.
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Be careful of minor accidents in Northern Ireland Car Parks

In the UK, a staggering 48% of drivers claim that their car was struck when it was parked in a lot. A car park presents a particular set of hazards for drivers: other cars, pedestrians, animals, wheelchairs, and kids.
In any Northern Ireland parking lot, you'll probably see a car waiting as another one carefully reverses into a little space, as well as people walking between the spaces to get to the shops. However, there are several easy steps you may take to prevent parking lot mishaps.
Always utilize your indicators, and be aware of any nearby pedestrians. When maneuvering into or out of a parking place, go at a crawling pace.
In order, to prevent other cars' doors from opening and damaging your lovely paintwork, park correctly between the white lines. Regularly check all of your mirrors, and if required, tilt your head while backing up to double-check any blind spots a mirror could miss.
Where possible, avoid driving at night or in a bad weather

Unfortunately, it seems like we get more terrible weather than good here in Northern Ireland. Additionally, we experience longer nighttime hours than most nations, making it difficult to completely avoid traveling at night and inclement weather.
However, nighttime driving poses several risks, including decreased vision, blinding lights, drunk drivers, fatigue, and wildlife crossing major roadways. The likelihood of being in an accident increases when you add in our infamous rain, sporadic fog, and snow.
Make sure your lights, particularly your fog lights, are in working order before you must travel through inclement weather or at night. To be able to defog your windscreen, confirm that your heating system is in perfect operating order.