Cancer treatment with medicinal mushrooms and cannabis

Cancer treatment with medicinal mushrooms and cannabis

Updated on March 26, 2022 17:48 PM by Ella Bina

Can mushrooms treat cancer? 

That was the right question, but mushrooms alone don't cure cancer; it also doesn't treat cancer. But according to the startup, they are saying mushroom is treated with cannabis, which reduces the amount of chemotherapy in patients. Chemotherapy is a simple treatment, but many couldn't leave because of its side effects.

Cannabotech supplement 

The supplement could shift the balance between the accessory and claims of the company. It doesn't cure the number of cancer cells, but it plays an influential role in killing cancer cells. Cannbotech should be used alongside cancer treatment to play an influential role.

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The mortality of cancer cells 

The rate of mortality is increased from 10 to 60. This is how the treatment works.  It is widely used for breast cancer, and now it is researched how it is treated with pancreatic, lung, colon, prostate cancer.

Medical cannabis

For cancer treatment, Medical cannabis is regularly prescribed for the patients to reduce nausea and pain. For most days, patients could not tolerate the treatment, and they became nonfunctional sometimes.

The dose is high 

Many of the patients with breast cancer go for an integrative treatment like using herbal products like cannabis. In addition to cancer treatment, cannabis is treated to cure the disease for cancer patients. 

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