There are foods that prevent you from preventing cancer!

There are foods that prevent you from preventing cancer!

Updated on April 09, 2022 13:00 PM by Andrew Koschiev

A big part of the deal  

Living longer, healthier, and happier lives are the priority for millions of people and avoiding cancer. It is one of the most significant parts of the deal. In an interview with Fox News Digital, California-based nutritionist and health expert Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D., shared a few pointers about foods to add to our diets for the highest chance of dodging cancer.

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They are among the healthiest raw foods any of us can consume. Different sprouts such as alfalfa and radish sprouts provide excellent nutrition; broccoli sprouts reign supreme in preventing cancer. Growing an actual head of broccoli with less nutritional value takes about 77 days.


Spinach, kale, romaine, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and collard greens are types of greens that give us a bit of extra protection against cancer. According to epidemiological, around 206 studies on humans revealed that the most cancer-protective, obesity-preventative foods and heart-healthy are greens.

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There is no better fruit to eat in preventing prostate cancer than tomatoes. According to holistic nutritionist Susan Smith Jones, it can prevent prostate cancer. Lycopene is one nutrition that lies in tomatoes that give the fruit its red shade. One of the extra health benefits is drinking a cup of coffee for green tea in green tea.It prevents cancer and has antiviral and antibacterial properties as well.

Nuts and seeds  

Almonds are rich in protein, fiber, and vitamin E. Soak almonds in a bowl of water overnight to plump, soften their chew and boost their bio-availability.It is one of the great chances for preventing cancer as it contains Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E.

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