Why Chris Hemsworth wants to reinvent Thor in his next Marvel movie?
Why Chris Hemsworth wants to reinvent Thor in his next Marvel movie?
Updated on November 25, 2022 17:30 PM by Anthony Christian
Thor: Love and Thunder

After Thor: Love and Thunder, we ponder what's next for Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in the MCU. Notwithstanding the movie's ending, Thor's story isn't over. In previous interviews, Chris Hemsworth addressed the character, saying he would like to give the role a true send-off. He also said about Thor's future and said he would like a reinvention of the person.
More than that is needed to verify that Thor 5 is in the works. Or Thor will appear in the next Avengers movies: The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars. But the actor is willing to continue acting the character. Some Marvel pilferer might follow beneath, especially if you have not seen all the season 4 films and shows.
Interview With Hemsworth
In a wide-ranging interview with egotism Fair, Hemsworth said he is open to acting his iconic superhero character if there is something unique, fresh, and unpredicted to do with Thor in the MCU.
But the stars also added that he feels they probably have to close the book, and he never did it again. Do you know what he means? He feels like it probably warrants that.
He feels like it would probably be the finale, but that is not based on anything anyone's told him or any plans, he warned. People have this birth of a hero, the journey of a hero, then the hero's death, and they don't know what is at that stage. Who knows?Add Block
Chris Hemsworth On Thor's future

This brings them to Chris Hemsworth's talking with Josh Horowitz on the Happy Sad Confused podcast. Thor and Marvel inescapably came up, as Horowitz asked the MCU star what would happen to the person after Taika Waititi lamented from the franchise. Would Thor go back to dramatic?
Hemsworth elucidates that he cherished his experiences playing Thor and that it's about remaking the character.
You look at Thor 1 and 2; they were entirely similar, the actor said. Ragnarok and Love and Thunder are similar. He thinks it's about reinventing it. He has had a unique opportunity with Infinity War and Endgame to do drastic things with the character. He enjoys that; He likes keeping people on their toes. It keeps me on his toes.
Will Marvel Call Hemsworth Back?
Hemsworth cautioned that he is still determining whether Marvel will call him back for more Thor action. But he said that changing Thor keeps him invested in the role.
It keeps him invested. Hemsworth said that he had said this before, but when it becomes too familiar, he thinks there's a risk of getting lazy because he knows what he is doing. He is curious to know if he is even invited back. But if he was, he thinks he would have to be a vary version in tone, and everything, just for his sanity. Thor lost his mind on that last one; he is got to figure it out now.