'How To Be A Cowboy' Review

'How To Be A Cowboy' Review

Updated on November 11, 2022 14:47 PM by Andrew Koschiev

Cowboy influencer Dale Brisby may be who the reality show needs. No petty fights or slander, just laughter, hard work, and nature.

How to Be a Cowboy was on air on Netflix on September 1st, and he was pleasantly surprised. My life is nothing like Brisby's. I have never lived in that country. However, I was drawn to the show because the characters were unique and interesting. The first episode revolves around a series of Golden Cowboy Rules.

Cowboys take care of themselves

(Image Credits: Western Horseman)

This lesson relates to a misbehaving cop fleeing through a fence at Radiator Ranch in Brisby. When that happened, everyone worked as a team and never stopped looking for the bull until it was found. They were always there for each other, even for something as simple as fixing a fence. Yes, this ranch has interns. Their job was to learn and complete the daily tasks on the ranch.

Their group dynamic defies the "lonely cowboy" stereotype. With everyone needing and helping each other on the ranch, modern cowboys are more human and less like western caricatures. Cowboys are always ready to do new things. I was exhausted watching the team ensure they were in the right shape to keep the cows moving. Halvorsen practiced with them a few days ago, and I was impressed. 

Cowboy preparation also included sports such as riding cattle and broncos. At first, I was worried that the cowboys would abuse the bulls, but they took care of all the animals on the ranch. Many heartwarming scenes revolved around the cowboy's connection to farm animals, and the show also included adorable shots of pets that were always with the crew.

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Cowboys are always learning

Even the most experienced cowboys grow and develop. Brisby, she's learning how to share her culture and manage sponsorships on social media. The show features a collaboration with clothing and denim company Rock & Roll Denim. It was refreshing to see Brisby at the pitch meeting. I admired him for being easygoing and authentic on the ranch, online, and in the business environment.

Cowboys Do What It Takes

Life on the ranch may not reflect everyone's life, but the concept of doing whatever it takes to reach a certain goal is understandable. The fourth episode featured cowboy showdowns (competitions between cowboys racing to complete typical ranch chores) to bring out everyone's competitive edge. One of his rounds was carrying huge bags of cattle feed from one side of the ranch to the other. It was fun seeing Brisby's goofy best friend, Cheech Nation, compete with him.

Another example of this golden rule is his brother Leroy, with whom Brisby was always at odds. I did everything I could to make amends. It's easy to relate to their relationship, making the show even more engaging.

Cowboys Always Face Their Fears

Halvorsen saw him riding a bull for the first time since his previous injury. She is one of the few female bull riders in the country and has a passion for bull riding. She continues despite her mother's disapproval and lack of support for bull riders. Bullfighting is not my hobby, but I admire her courage to pursue what she loves. Her demeanor and strength throughout the show were truly inspiring and highlighted the true importance of this rule. What they do have is pride in being who they are. They love working on the ranch, attending rodeos, and upholding traditions. I don't care if people don't agree with my lifestyle. I know the message "be yourself" is old, but it's a good reminder in a society where everyone tries to hold to unrealistic standards.

Brisby is one of the hardest-working influencers I have ever seen. The show taught us about cowboys in a charming and comforting way without mocking or respecting their lifestyle. 

Fans will have to wait for Netflix's official announcement, but until then, there's one thing on which everyone can agree: Cowboys are back in style!

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