The Next Moves Young & Restless’ Jack and Bold & Beautiful’s Taylor Make Will Not Only Decide Their Future But How We Feel About Them

The Next Moves Young & Restless’ Jack and Bold & Beautiful’s Taylor Make Will Not Only Decide Their Future But How We Feel About Them

Updated on August 17, 2022 17:32 PM by Dhinesh

The Turning Point Of The Young and the Restless

Ever since The Young and the Restless’ Jack grew out of his long and sordid philandering rat bastard phase, and we have rooted for him. And we have cheered on Taylor Hayes nearly all the time since she first appeared on The Bold and the Beautiful.

But both characters are at a crucial turning point, the other side of which could turn viewers against them. If Jack reopens his heart to Diane and Taylor gives Ridge the 2,082nd chance, that’s how. How?

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Jack and Taylor both know who their old flames are. He’s been involved with Diane how many times? The answer doesn’t matter because the result is always the same: He winds up with third-degree burns, whether because she dumps him for archenemy Victor or decides to cut her losses and play dead.

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And Taylor, let’s be real. Ridge isn’t a whole lot better. True, he’s never abandoned his kids by pretending to have been murdered. But he’s traded his Doc in so often that they’re usually divorced before the new set of monogrammed towels comes in. Doesn’t exactly scream, “Oo, he’s a keeper, does it?”

The Awful Truth Is…

So if Jack softens toward Diane to the point that he even contemplates a romantic reunion… if Taylor rolls out the welcome mat and invites Ridge to treat her like an also-ran… what can we conclude? What must we conclude?

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There are two and only two options.

Maybe Jack and Taylor aren’t as smart as we like to think that they are. And/or

Jack and Taylor are masochists who all but demand a lifetime of unhappiness and upset.

If either of those is the case, how are we to stay in their corner? We’d be volunteering to vicariously fight in what are losing battles. We’d be, in essence, asking for heartache as loudly as Jack and Taylor are. For us, that would be a hard pass. How about you?

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