Dog's Adorable Habit Of Watching The Sun Set Every Evening In The Same Spot

Dog's Adorable Habit Of Watching The Sun Set Every Evening In The Same Spot

Updated on March 27, 2022 12:57 PM by Anna P

Dog Adorable Habit

A dog's adorable habit of sitting in the same spot every evening to watch the sun go down has got people feeling emotional. Dogs imitate their human. In a 2010 study at the University of Vienna, scientists discovered that dogs tend to copy the behavior and body movements of the people they come into regular contact with.

Conclusion After Researchers

They have reached that conclusion after researchers conducted experiments involving ten adult dogs and their owners. After watching their human companions complete and crouch down the same task, they taught each canine to open a sliding door using their heads or paws.The dogs were split into two groups, with half receiving an edible reward if they copied their human owner and the others only receiving a bonus if they did not. Scientists found that, regardless of whether they received a treat, all of the dogs were eager to imitate pet owners.

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Footage Watched

The unashamed canine can be seen looking thoughtfully into the distance as the sun descends behind the trees and nearby hills. We can watch the footage here. It's not beyond the possibility that the dog may have previously seen Nassar in a similar pose and, after trying it out for himself, has taken it up as part of his daily routine.

Emotional Day I Die

Whatever the case may be, the clip creates for powerful viewing, with Nassar posting the video online alongside a caption declaring: This will make me emotional till the day I die.

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Amassing Million Of Views

The contemplative footage certainly appears to have found a captive audience, with the clip gathering more than 4 million views already and a glut of comments from similarly enchanted pet lovers. This pup is an old soul with amid daybreak writing: He enjoys the little things in life more than most humans.

Owner Together

The golden retriever's owner duly obliged, posting a follow-up video online showing them taking in the scene together.

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