An amusing encounter with a red-handed dog misbehaving for Granny!

An amusing encounter with a red-handed dog misbehaving for Granny!

Updated on April 04, 2022 10:59 AM by Dhinesh


When grandparents babysit, often, the kids are much more well-behaved for them than they are for the parents. Maybe it's because grandmother and grandfather give extra treats, or kids know not to push them as far? But one dog didn't quite get the memo about being good for grandma.

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Pretty mischievous  

In a recent TikTok clip posted by @joesefjoesef, one canine is being mischievous for his grandparents, and she sent the footage to his dad to prove it. In the video, you'll see the dog named Frank being extra mischievous while grandma looks on. He's knocking placemats off the coffee table, much to her dismay. And even though she says to him, "That's an absolute disgrace!", he doesn't seem bothered.

The Pup is doing it so pretty!  

Haha! What a funny little guy! Maybe he wasn't supposed to move those placemats, but you have to admit he was pretty cute doing it. Frank doesn't seem fazed, and he's certainly not afraid of grandma's stern voice! One social media user commented, @Josh noted, "He knew exactly what he was doing.

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Another user commented  

Another user commented, @Mark Petes-Varga added, "Frank did not choose gangster life, the gangster life choose him."And @Jodie, who noticed something else, saying, "Frank's face when he stops, makes sure she's looking." He did!

What could be the cause?  

Maybe Frank was missing his dad and wanted him to come home? Or perhaps he was trying to get grandma's undivided attention? Whichever scenario is valid, his little plan certainly got people talking and laughing out loud, for that matter! Hopefully, he'll let grandma off a little easier next time.

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