4 pieces of advice you may provide your present self

By FactsWow, October 10, 2022

Giving advice to others is simple, and we all do it. It's standard practice to impart our knowledge to friends, family, coworkers, and even total strangers. How many of us, though, aim those priceless jewels at ourselves?

Undoubtedly very few.

Most people look up to others and hope someone can guide them on how to get through life, deal with everything that comes their way, and decide what to do with their trip.

You can lead yourself without the assistance of anyone else. You have the power to take on that role for yourself and establish yourself as your finest companion, mentor, and friend.

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Despite the widespread misconception that it is impossible to be objective with oneself, it is possible to zoom out, take a step back, and speak to oneself.

Everyone gains wisdom from their experiences in life, which you can filter with the benefit of hindsight and apply to your advantage. This wise counsel can help you lead the greatest possible life and dramatically improve your mental health and well-being.

Based on the most important lessons you've learned so far in your life, here are four suggestions you can make for yourself.

1. Your life is going well

The road of life is not an easy one. Each person experiences their fair share of difficulties, good fortune, happy times, and difficult times.

You have overcome obstacles, faced challenges, gotten over obstacles, battled your own fights, and gone this far. This accomplishment stands alone.

Be gentle with yourself as a result. Give up judging and criticising yourself for insignificant things. Instead, concentrate on your accomplishments and find joy in your daily victories. You should be commended for making daily progress toward your goals. Give yourself a high five and cheer yourself on.

Your life's journey is unique, just like you. There is no comparison because you will move at your own pace. Stop making comparisons, and avoid the pain of feeling inadequate.

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You have a wonderful life, are doing well, and have much to be thankful for. Keep your attention on what is going well and let the things outside your control drift into the background.

Be happy that despite the odds against you, you are a fighter and have never given up. You have survived difficult circumstances by making the most of what you have.

2. Pursuing perfection will make you more anxious

When you strive for perfection, you place a very high bar for yourself, establish exact standards by which you will evaluate your work, adopt a zero-tolerance policy for errors, and give yourself no room for error. You're subconsciously aware that such unattainable standards are not humanly conceivable.

False self-talk, such as the more you push yourself, the better you'll do, and the more pressure you're under, the higher you'll go, rarely has a beneficial impact. They hurt you more than they help.

Too much effort and the pursuit of perfection not only add stress and anxiety to your life but also deprive you of the enjoyment of working toward your objectives.

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When you strive for perfection, all you accomplish is put more pressure on yourself and work harder, and when, after all your effort, you still fall short of the high standards, you become discouraged and frustrated.

You'll never be content with your amount of information, experience, and expertise since you're a perfectionist. Before thinking of oneself as capable of performing things flawlessly, you'll always desire to improve yourself.

A typical situation for a perfectionist is feeling like you need to prepare better, make improvements, and do more study, which keeps you in the status quo. You are unable to advance or achieve any gains.

Instead of setting yourself up for failure, be proud of your job. By paying attention to the small things, emphasising becoming thorough, and working hard, concentrate on improving the quality of your performance.

Once you make that mental adjustment, you'll value your efforts and feel content knowing you're providing everything you've got. This will help you stay at ease while working and provide you with the ability to have a happy life.

3. Eliminate from your life the drama caused by others

The people you choose to around have a big impact on your life. You will always be in the midst of chaos, getting bombarded by other people's drama if you surround yourself with negative people who are frequently emotionally charged, enjoy high-intensity drama, and make every little thing into a huge deal.

It invites difficulty when you encourage people to be honest and upfront with you about their sentiments. Sooner or later, your unwillingness to set boundaries and say no will catch up with you and bring about suffering in your life.

People will not hesitate to drag you into their mess and pour out their problems on you, disrupting your focus and disturbing your peace of mind.

This will not only include you in their matters and occasionally overwhelm you, but what's worrying is that you'll lose focus on your priorities and divert from your objectives.

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No matter how close someone is to you, don't let them use you as their emotional garbage dump or take advantage of you. Setting your boundaries requires initiative and being proactive.

Setting boundaries for yourself will demonstrate respect for your privacy and give a clear message to others not to take advantage of your good nature and place their issues on you.

4. Always remember that the journey is more important than the endpoint

Everyone is actively pursuing something in their lives, whether material possessions, economic aspirations, celebrity, and power. But most individuals lose themselves in the quest because they get so preoccupied.

It is not worthwhile to stress yourself, worry, and move quickly to outperform others and win the game of life. However, people don't become aware of this until they are near death, which is too late to make reparations.

Never forget your purpose in life or lose sight of the broader picture. Living a good life is about enjoying the journey, learning from each step you take in the right direction, and feeling successful in your daily struggles.

The present moment is the only true thing; life is happening right now. There are seemingly insignificant things that, over time, grow increasingly important and make all the difference in your life. These things include how much value you can add, how many lives you can impact, and how intimately you are connected to your loved ones.

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The play must eventually end, and the curtain will go up. This is the harsh reality of life. We're all going to die eventually. The amount of money you have amassed, your social standing, or your level of prestige won't matter then. You will only wish for a life filled with fulfilment and joy.

So stop hurrying through each day, impatiently and eagerly trying to climb the success ladder. So that you can look back on your life with satisfaction and know that you lived it to the fullest, take pleasure in living your life every day, cherish the little things that touch your heart, and spend quality time with the people who matter to you most.