Iron Man: The Tricky Quiz Ever You Won't Answer All

By FactsWow, December 28, 2022

The role of Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., is the inevitable superhero character in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its legacy has strengthened across every corner of the famous Universe for saving the trillion lives in the MCU. 

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Tony considers a sign of bravery by the Marvel studios to steal the gantlet of 'Infinity Stones from Thanos and set it in the nanotech shell, as seen in the 2019 movie of 'Avengers: Endgame.' He used all his powers to rub out Thanos and his army for better survival.

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Tactlessly, the power is released by Infinity Stones. Resultant, he passed away by using those powers. Producers created documentaries, Murals painted, and plaques appreciating Tony's bravery, who lost his life to the Universe's existence. As playboy is the most-admired character in Marvel Universe, let's attempt a quiz to know how much you're aware of the character.

Quiz On Iron Man 

Tony Stark's Iron Man is based on an actual person. Who is he? 

Howard Hughes Steve Jobs Elon Musk  Jeff Bezos
When did the original, 'Iron Man,' debut?  1970 1973 2008 1963
Which of the movies is a Heinous style of Iron Man? Extremis Superior Iron Man Spymaster  Doctor Doom 
From What, Iron Man faced a life-threatening situation?  Lungs Brain Heart Kidney  What is the number of Mortal Enemies in Iron Man?  10 7 4 6
The number of Female versions in Iron Man? 6 2 3 7
Attempt these questions and know how much you know about the iconic movie Iron Man.