7 Signs You’re Smarter Than You Think

By FactsWow, November 03, 2022

Intelligence is not the only way to be smart. Smartness isn't about brains and IQ, despite what most people think. It's also not about looks or being sure of yourself. A smart person is more than meets the eye. It's funny that many smart people don't know how smart they are. They have second thoughts about everything they do. On the other hand, you also meet people who aren't very smart but can't stop talking about how smart they are. Charles Bukowski said something along the same lines when he said, “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

If you're in the first group and you've been underestimating yourself, it's time to realize that you're not only good enough but smart.

Here are seven things that show you are smart and stand out.

You keep a list of tasks done

Having a list of what you need to do each day is important for getting things done. But while other people stress themselves out by thinking about what's left on their to-do list, you keep a record of what you've done and focus on how much you've done and how far you've come. It's a good idea to keep track of your progress by making a "have-done" list. This is a powerful way to motivate yourself to work harder and add more value to your work.

Listening and understanding skills

Effective communication is key to your daily interactions with other people. But sometimes it's hard to understand what the other person is saying, especially if they aren't being straightforward. People's skill at being diplomatic and politically correct has put the blame on you to figure out what is meant and what is being said. But if you're good at reading between the lines, you've nailed it. You'll be able to see how things work if you can listen carefully, understand what is said, and figure out what isn't said. It will also help you pay attention to the little things, know what's going on, and stay in charge when things get tough.

You do not conform to the norm

The majority of individuals are hardwired to follow the herd and do what is time-tested and popular. Going down the well-trodden path is simple because it is safe and familiar, and there is little risk involved. However, this is the realm of mediocrity. You are more intelligent than others if you choose the "road less traveled" and enjoy discovering new things. To experiment with different things, experience the unknown, and create something significant out of it all requires guts and creativity. When you do what the majority does, you will become average. However, if you choose to explore uncharted places, you will face larger obstacles, develop a deeper understanding, and find new things. All of this will also significantly boost your confidence and position you for enormous success.

You learn from the mistakes of others

After admitting their mistakes, many people gain insight. But this is an expensive method of education. Worse still, you cannot undo the wrongdoing or repair the damage. However, if you are observant and watch for other people's faults, you are truly intelligent. You can view the big picture and comprehend how errors occur and how to prevent them. Observing others can provide insight into what works and what does not. Therefore, gaining wisdom from the errors of others allows you to avoid burning your own fingertips.

You do not feel self-conscious about not knowing everything

No one is expected to know everything about everything and to be good at everything. Still, some people act like they know everything. So, no matter how much they need help, they never ask for it. Smart people aren't afraid to ask for help, especially from people who are experts in their fields and are willing to teach those who need it. Being proactive and going to experts to get professional advice can help you grow as a person and improve your skills a lot. People with a lot of experience can teach you a lot, give you good advice, and help you learn new things.

You don't waste your time on pointless debates

Some people like to be in charge of the conversation. It's good to talk about or debate an issue, but it's stupid to argue your point of view too much and get caught up in the fight. Smart people know that getting into an argument doesn't help them in any way. On the contrary, it's a bad time, and you might say or do something you'll regret later. So it's smart to make your point and get out of the situation before things get worse. This keeps things from getting out of hand and keeps everyone from getting angry.

You accept your flaws

A person's talents and shortcomings are equally distributed across the board because of this fact alone. Most people are cognizant of their advantages, but many deny or refuse to acknowledge their weaknesses. It's a sign of folly to ignore your flaws on purpose. Intelligent people aren't embarrassed to own their flaws. Nobody expects perfection from anyone else. Trying to cover up your flaws and shortcomings will only slow you down and hurt your progress. They accept their flaws, work hard to improve, and ultimately transform their defects into strengths. 

When a person is self-assured in their worth, they are more likely to achieve success in their careers, have healthy relationships, make wise choices, and experience an overall boost in satisfaction in their lives. They are prepared to deal with adversity and emerge from it in a more resilient and powerful state. Therefore, it is of the maximum importance to routinely remind oneself of one's own capabilities and advantages.