The Apple IOS 15.4.1 Update fixes security issues related to Battery Drain

By FactsWow, April 05, 2022

Minor iPhone update on Thursday

iPhone rolled out the little update last Thursday, and this is a bug clearance update. This rolled out the battery-draining bug and some of the security flaws that have been updated now. 

Took Twitter to complain

Some users took Twitter to complain about the battery draining option after installing ios 15.4.1. For the customer's tweet, apple support services responded to them directly tweets.

Some applications for the update 

Some application features might take 48 hours to update from the previous version. The update fixes the Braille in the devices when navigating the update in the machine.

Hearing devices lose connection

This also made the hearing devices in the mobile phone lose connection for some time. The update on the mobile phone was released on March 15 th and had some crazy updates.

Face lock using a face mask 

Even with your face mask, you can unlock your mobile phone. There are three emojis and other universal control and other features that can check out a new feature on ios 15.4 CNet's Apple studio display review. This I phone can be more excellent subscription could be the more significant idea.

The phone's reply

Thanks for reaching out. It is usual for applications, and we need 48 hours to update. We will be happy to help. When the issue hasn't been resolved, they asked to mention it in the DM's so we can sort it out.