Earn money by growing a YouTube channel as a hobby

By FactsWow, July 27, 2022

Earning potential: You will earn approximately $4 for every 1,000 views your channel receives. Find out how much YouTubers make in this article about how much they earn.

Several million dollars are generated each year by the world's most popular YouTube channels. The fact is that even though starting a channel that reaches that level of popularity is challenging, there are tens of thousands of smaller channels that make a decent side income for their creators as well. 

There are many hobbies that people can engage in, such as carpentry, cooking, crafts, and homebrewing. It is important to remember that YouTube has a diverse and worldwide audience, so don't discount the potential of more obscure hobbies. Chances are there are enough individuals who share your interest to support a channel. Starting a channel in a niche with less competition is often more conducive to getting established and gaining subscribers.

Using primitive materials and tools, creator John Plant documented his adventures in building structures on YouTube's Primitive Technology channel in 2016. Due to the popularity of his channel, he was able to secure a book deal as well as a steady stream of extra income resulting from advertising revenue generated by his more than 10 million followers.