Will I be able to witness the harvest moon in 2022

By FactsWow, September 07, 2022

On 9th September, the annual Harvest moon will appear in the UK, marking the last full moon of the summer season. On 9th September, it started to rise and hit a peak on 10th September in the early hours. There is a break in clouds; skywatchers can enjoy the view of the bright full moon. It can be seen under the naked eye, and if you hold on to binoculars or a telescope, you make out craters and seas on the lunar surface.

Name of the harvest moon

The name of the Harvest moon is self-explanatory; it's the time of year when many crops are harvested. It has not only the name of the September full moon, but the Harvest moon is the European name.  

The tribes in the northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada call it the harvest corn moon. It relates to the harvest period of corn, pumpkins, squash, and other autumnal staples. Europeans name this full moon the fruit moon, where the numbers of fruits ripen at the end of summer, and the Barley moon from the harvest and threshing of the barley.

Photography of the moon

Harvest moon can be photographed with a great subject. You need to eliminate light from the area and choose a dark place. Focus on it is vitally important for capturing a good shot. Get your shot of the moon framed and tap the moon on your camera screen to get a clear focus. If the image is bright, you can swipe downwards to adjust the exposure.

Digital zoom may decrease the quality of the image, so shooting at night is one of the vital keys. Using a tripod is very useful for capturing a great shot. Cameras like DSLRs and a long telephoto lens will help make good shots. Use self-timer mode to get an actual shot that eliminates unintentional shaking.