Venus and Jupiter will appear to collide nearly in the night sky this week!

By FactsWow, April 30, 2022

On 30th April 2022, Venus and Jupiter collide as they appear to move incredibly close together from our vantage point. According to NASA, the two planets will get close in the night sky as they will merge into one giant that mass to our naked eye.

The planets will be 0.2 degrees apart at their closest approach, a little lesser than the angular distance of a full moon. On 1st May, the spectacle will be visible again in the dawn hours but will reverse the planet's position.

The planets are 430 million miles apart, more than four times the distance between the Earth and the Sun. In the past weeks, the planetary alignment of Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn to view the conjunction between Venus and Jupiter that you will need to wake up early.

Venus will be at a magnitude of 4, while Jupiter will be shining at a magnitude of 2.1. By comparison, the full moon shines at 12.7. On 24th June, all the other planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus, will join together. It would help if you had a telescope to see Neptune and Uranus.

This week partial solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between us and the Sun, which partly obscures the Sun's light from the view.Antarctica, South America, and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are the only parts where the event will be visible.