Stay Away From These Common New Year's Resolution Mistakes

By FactsWow, December 30, 2021

The vast majority of New Year's resolutions aren't made to be followed, no matter what we convince ourselves. The promise that next year will be a little better if you work hard is intriguing enough to overlook how infrequently it occurs.

Poor goal-setting is one of the most common reasons New Year's resolutions fail. Consider the traditional resolutions associated with a "new year, new me" mindset: Lose a lot of weight, start going to the gym regularly, stick to a strict diet, change jobs, save or earn a lot more money, and often, all of the above. Taking on any or all of these goals simultaneously is essentially asking oneself to transform into a different person in a year—not it's technically impossible. Still, it's neither feasible nor healthy. If you're serious about keeping your New Year's resolutions this year, you should understand what makes a promise to yourself unattainable.

Expect nothing out of the ordinary

First of January isn't really enthralling. Sure, the end of the year is a great time to reflect on your current circumstances and how you may improve it, but don't expect your New Year's plans to completely change your life.

Don't overextend yourself

Another common strategy to fail at New Year's resolutions is to make far too many. A big list of objectives can be daunting, causing you to lose concentration and making it more difficult to accomplish what you set out to do. Keep the scope small if you actually want to make some life changes. For most people, this implies committing to no more than two or three resolutions.

Don't set yourself up for future problems

It's not just an issue of taking on more than you can handle when it comes to resolution overload. It can also take the form of establishing an acceptable amount of goals that are in direct competition with one another. Making 2022 the year you finally build a home gym, for example, is a terrific goal—as long as it's not also the year you cut back on hobby spending. Do a quick sanity check before settling on a resolution action plan to ensure you're not shooting yourself in the foot.

Keep things simple and to the point

Being as explicit as possible with your resolutions is the greatest approach to keep them realistic and plausible. Rather than simply stating that you wish to "become healthier," "get green," or "focus on your relationships," spell out exactly what you mean.

In practice, this entails posing specific questions to yourself, such as: Is "becoming healthy" just another way of saying "changing your diet?" If that's the case, what modifications do you wish to make and why? What does it mean to "go green" in terms of daily habits? What kinds of connections do you wish to "focus on," and how do you plan to do so? Whatever your responses are, utilise them to create a list of clear, measurable criteria for achieving your objectives. You'll know exactly what it takes to keep on track—and when all your hard work has paid off.