July 11 -16, 2022 - Your upcoming weekly horoscope is here

By FactsWow, July 09, 2022

July 11, 2022

Mercury is re-entering its domicile of Gemini, full of action as you can see loads of new things happening in your life. Mercury is all about communication, so your communication skills will be highly fruitful. It will grant you the purpose and meaning of your upcoming future. You will be very comfy and cosy in your home environment and become sleepy. Mercury will remove the shadow this week and bring in the light you always wanted to have in your life. 

July 12, 2022

Moon is in Sagittarius, and you will be able to see the big picture and attune yourself to it. Mars will also conjoin Chiron, and Venus will be squaring Saturn, and then it will be sextiling Neptune later the week. During this period, many things are happening, and each will give you complete satisfaction this upcoming week. There will be a boost of confidence as the week’s second day will be full of opportunities. 

Sagittarius Moon will be trining Jupiter in Aries. It is then trining Mars in Aries; the truth will surface. You will earn loads of money, and wealth is on your way. Your fortune is in your stride, so get ready to get into the vibe as your upcoming week will be very happy. You could hear whispers within telling you to do things right.

July 13, 2022

There is too much Neptune energy this week, and you can find it tricky. Moreover, this upcoming week Venus is squaring Saturn, and there is a pocket of loveliness which you will be able to harness. It’s about your accepted reality as Saturn is in the prominent position. It is a planet of discipline and routine. But, it is more about escaping the natural world and connecting with the spiritual world. 

You will reconnect with the whole forest rather than the only tree, giving you complete clarity in your work and your place of watching the world in a better way. You will see the opportunities around you and make things possible for yourself. Moon will be squaring Neptune, and it will be entering Capricorn; you will be going on with the sleepy vibe; you will feel like not getting out of bed.

July 14, 2022

There is an opportunity for loveliness this week, and you are going to take all those opportunities which add you with wealth and happiness. You will not want to release your expectations and how you want things to work out. You will work it out your way and make things happen. Venus is squaring Taurus, and since Venus rules Taurus, it will enjoy being there and be the best version of itself. 

You will be in a crabby mood. You might take offence but be careful to not get into any fight or argument as things might get worse there. But you will not feel the need to talk to anyone, and you will not be in a mood to acknowledge anything as such in your workplace or your home. You will be hypersensitive, and the suggestion is not to take things personally.

July 15, 2022

Mars is in Aries, and it enjoys being there. It is in its total capacity as it is in its ruling house, giving the maximum outcome. Since the planets are comfy and cosy, they become much more vibrant in the homely environment. You might end up saying something which might trigger people’s insecurities. However, it's time for healing and nursing the sore spot. It’s time to heal and make the right decisions in your life. 

So, you look out for what you say; however, you will be productive because the Capricorn moon talks about productivity. You will take offence at various things, so be careful some people do not understand what you want to think or do not want. People might be impatient, and you might want to respond rather than react to them. It’s all about fate and getting to work on things which will make you move forward. 

July 16, 2022

Saturn is in Aquarius, and it loves to be there; however, you will start a new relationship, and things might get on high heels as you go on to bring in this new person in your life with so much happiness and delight. This new person will bring loads of new opportunities to your life, and this person will add new angles to your life. You will love to have them in your life. Your romantic life is conjoining your friendship line. 

So you will gain a best friend from this person, and you will have fun and enjoyment through meeting this new person and having a great year ahead. Your golden period has already started, so you will have money, wealth, love, friendship and prosperity.