Ryan Reynolds stars in A&W Restaurants' ad for National Root Beer Float Day

By FactsWow, July 28, 2022

It is expected that A&W Restaurants, America's oldest QSR chain, will expect star power to boost its 2016 National Root Beer Float Day promotion, which is expected to run from now until August 11.

To raise awareness for the month-long giveaway, A&W recruited American sweetheart Ryan Reynolds for a campaign aimed at raising awareness for the giveaway taking place this month.

To get a free root beer float, you just need to fill out an application on RootBeerFloatDay.com by August 6th and sign up for the A&W Mug Club. Please note that no purchase is necessary - just a donation to Disabled American Veterans would be greatly appreciated.

This is our signature promotion at A&W, according to Liz Bazner, A&W's senior director of marketing. In our opinion, having Ryan Reynolds attached to it this year is going to make it the biggest and the best event that we have ever held."

The campaign is a first for Ryan, who until now has mostly used his creative talents to work on personal projects and has a full-time job in the media field. I have to admit, Liz and I were somewhat shocked when he agreed to do this," she said. "There's no question that you will miss 100% of the shots you don't take if you don't take them.

" I'm not trying to sound like an out-of-touch Hollywood egomaniac by saying that my name commands a lot of attention from a lot of people," said Ryan Reynolds. It was a great pleasure to help bring some of that attention where it belongs - to A&W's phenomenal root beer floats and to the wonderful work that is being done by the Disabled American Veterans charity."