Krista Allen says what Taylor never is able to say on Bold & Beautiful

By FactsWow, July 23, 2022

We should be happy, so why not? There was a lot of social media buzz about Krista Allen (Taylor) not too long ago since the actress regularly dumps happy vibes all over her social media accounts, which is nothing new since she is one of the funniest actresses out there - someone who loves to have a good time while posting on her page.

Throughout her latest video, she captioned the video, “When your higher self reminds you who’s boss!” As she lip-synced alongside DJ Suede The Remix God's hit Argue (I Can't Argue With You), fans could see her from up close.

 If you're unfamiliar with the lyrics of the song, it describes a person who refuses to argue with another because he's happy.

What we long for is Taylor to finally tell Ridge these words, no matter how long it takes for him to do it.

It would be wonderful for Taylor to be able to prove to "the dressmaker," as Bill would say, that she is unafraid of being alone despite his Logan drama and his years of heartache and fighting for his love - all while he has been chasing his destiny - that she is capable of being happy without him - and all of his Logan drama!

Sheila has made a horrible mess of Steffy's life throughout most of her life, and I have watched her and Deacon bond over this, and then, maybe these two lost souls could be just what each other needs to go forward.

Related: Bold & Beautiful Preview: A clue from Brooke might bring Sheila down for good as Ridge spirals into a rage

She should also follow the lead of her portrayer and live each moment to the fullest, as Allen tagged her video with the hashtag "you only live once."

Wouldn't Ridge and Brooke look adorable if they teamed up and had a little fun together? Taylor and Deacon will never be super couples, but can you imagine what the look on Ridge and Brooke's faces would be like? That's what we'd do!