10 Mar, 2023


The 10 Most Surprising Benefits Of Vitamin D

By FactsWow Team

Promotes Bone And Tooth Health

Your teeth and bones benefit from vitamin D3, which regulates calcium absorption. It will help if you consume. Your teeth and bones will remain strong with a high calcium intake. The body is primarily composed of calcium. Calcium deficiency can lead to bone loss, and you may experience osteoarthritis and tooth loss early on.

Media Credits: Canava

Enhances Immunity

Immunity is one of Vitamin D's most important benefits. T-cells are stimulated, and a proper response is promoted when infectious pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, are encountered, resulting in illnesses like influenza and the common cold.

Media Credits: Canava

Cancer Prevention Might Be Possible

Southern/tropical climates are more common in urban areas, have more sunlight exposure, and are at a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Media Credits: Canava

Boosts Brain Function

The brain has Vitamin D receptors throughout the nervous system and brain. Vitamin D has been linked to many important bodily functions, including how the brain works. Vitamin D benefits you by regulating neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve growth and repair.

Media Credits: Canava

Improves Your Mood

Researchers have shown that low levels of Vitamin D3 are associated with symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) when the sun is not exposed for long periods.

Media Credits: Canava

Help You Lose Weight

Increasing your Vitamin D3 through diet and sunlight exposure can help you lose weight if you are trying to lose weight but have yet to see the results you seek. It has been shown that a vitamin D3 supplement, eating more food containing this vitamin, or simply getting more sun, along with eating a healthy diet and exercising, can help you lose weight.

Media Credits: Canava

Lowers The Risk Of RA

An autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis is often associated with low levels of Vitamin D. Rheumatoid arthritis causes a chronic inflammation of the joints, causing stiffness, pain, and reduced mobility as the immune system reacts to the proteins in the joint linings.

Media Credits: Canava

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Is Reduced

Those with type 2 diabetes may benefit from more Vitamin D if they have diabetes or have hyperglycemia (pre-diabetes). By overcoming insulin resistance, you could potentially prevent type 2 diabetes. Recent studies confirm that vitamin D deficiency, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes are linked.

Media Credits: Canava

It Lowers Blood Pressure

Several long-term studies have demonstrated that low levels of Vitamin D are associated with hypertension (high blood pressure).

Media Credits: Canava

Heart Disease Risk May Be Reduced

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and congestive heart failure, according to a growing number of studies. Getting more Vitamin D can reduce heart disease risk and symptoms.

Media Credits: Canava

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