14 Mar, 2023


Oscar 2023 | Michelle Yeoh Makes History As Asia's First Best Actress Academy Winner

By FactsWow Team

Proud Moment For Michelle

Having won the Academy Award 2023 for the first time as an Asian woman for best actress, Michelle Yeoh notched another milestone in her four-decade career.

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Leading Role In The Movie

As a lifelong loser and struggling laundromat owner, Yeoh was the saviour of the multiverse in A24's Everything Everywhere All at Once, her first Hollywood leading role.

Media Credits: POPSUGAR

Yeoh's Speech

It is a beacon of hope for all the little boys and girls looking like me watching tonight, said Yeoh, who was 60 years old, the oldest nominee in her category.

Media Credits: StyleBistro

The Winning Moment

The win makes Yeoh the first Asian woman to win the best actress at the Oscars. More than two decades ago, Halle Berry won Best Actress for Monster's Ball. In addition to Berry, Jessica Chastain presented the award to Yeoh at the Oscars in 2022.

Media Credits: POPSUGAR

Waiting For The Victory

There have been 93 years where the Academy Award has gone to white women or white people who pass for white, such as Luise Rainer in 1938, who won her second-best actress Oscar for playing O-Lan in The Good Earth. Even though Vivien Leigh, Cher, and Natalie Portman are Western Asian, they do not consider themselves Asians.

Media Credits: Oscars.org

Yeoh's Happiness

After winning, Yeoh said, 'We broke that glass ceiling tonight.' This is for Asians, but for all minorities. The Asian community deserves to be seen and treated equally. That's all we ask for. Let us prove we deserve it by giving us an opportunity.

Media Credits: Twitter

Asia's First Best Actress Winner

In this year's best actress race, Yeoh contested with Cate Blanchett for Tár, with the latter winning BAFTA, Critics Choice, NSCFF, the Los Angeles Film Critics Circle, and the Indie Spirit award. They each won a Golden Globe for musical/comedy and drama.

Media Credits: British Vogue

Recognition For The Work

Yeoh earned a reputation for holding her own in action films in Hong Kong and greater China before making her Hollywood debut in 1997. She gained international recognition with films like Memoirs of a Geisha, Sunshine, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which won four Oscars and was nominated for best picture in Oscar 2023.

Media Credits: Michelle Yeoh

Yeoh Award Dedication

To my mother, all the mothers in the world, because they are the real heroes, and we would not be here without them,' Yeoh said.

Media Credits: Yahoo

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