Black Moon - 13th New Moon In Calendar Year Facts
Black Moon - 13th New Moon In Calendar Year Facts
Updated on April 05, 2022 15:34 PM by Andrew Koschiev
Fraternal Twin

Even if the term “once in a blue moon” is a well-known expression, have you found out about its intimate twin, once in a black moon? Astrologically talking, both a black moon and a blue moon allude to lunar doubleheaders. Also, indeed, they are a rare event.
Two Phenomena

Once every 32 months, these two phenomena occur and sometimes just at specific time regions. This "bonus moon" signifies we have 13 new moons in a calendar year instead of the typical 12 new moons.
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Rare To Fit In Single Month

Since the moon requires 29.5 days to finish a lunar cycle each calendar month, it's uncommon that two new moons can be fit into a single month. Yet, occasionally or, to be exact, every 2.7 years, we get a month with two new moons in it.
Bonus Moon

There are 13 new moons existing on the calendar in black moon years, a "bonus moon" maybe. The bonus moon can occur in a month that has 30, or typically 31, days.We won't ever have a black moon in February since there are just 28 or 29 days in that month. A lunar month that is a complete cycle of the eight moon stage is 29.5 days long. So that implies a new moon can get missed out in February during rare occasions.
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Is the blue moon's color is really black

The moon isn't illuminated by the Sun during the new moon stage, so any new moon will be mainly invisible, or black, in the night sky. The black moon isn't to be mystified with an eclipse, even though a black moon could be a solar eclipse since these eclipses just occur during new moons.
Align On The Ecliptic

We get a solar eclipse when the Earth, Moon, and Sun adjust on the ecliptic during a new moon. During a total solar eclipse, the moon seems to black out the Sun from our vantage point on Earth, obscuring the sky and making bizarre light and shadows.