On Kate Reece's agenda are Blood & Treasure bosses and the search for the Genghis Khan Spirit Banner

On Kate Reece's agenda are Blood & Treasure bosses and the search for the Genghis Khan Spirit Banner

Updated on July 18, 2022 18:53 PM by admin

Danny and Lexi find Themselves

Danny (Matt Barr) and Lexi (Sofia Pernas) rapidly find themselves on a new journey to locate the Spirit Banner of Genghis Khan after discovering the last of Karim Farouk's (James Callis) black market treasures. Armed robbers attack the Vatican, but before Jay Reece (John Larroquette), who has been attempting to contact Danny, can provide crucial information, he is slain in prison.

Kate is Abducted

When Kate is abducted, the search picks up speed. Danny and Lexi soon cross paths with Aiden Shaw (Michael James Shaw), run into Lexi's enraged ex-colleague Violet (Michelle Lee), and have to get out of a difficult situation involving a card game with international crime syndicates. Danny and Lexi eventually come to the conclusion that Kate wasn't kidnapped but rather was working with the CIA and had her own plans. We talked to Matthew Federman and Stephen Scaia, the co-creators of Blood & Treasure, about what Kate is up to, the mysterious new group that has entered the picture, and what Danny and Lexi will encounter next.

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Finding the Ideal Artifacts

Finding the ideal artifacts to start the show wasn't enough. Additionally, it considered the locations in the world that we'd like to visit but weren't able to in season 1. In season 2, we aimed to present a distinct color scheme. Consequently, this season is radically different from season 1, which was brilliant and focused on Western Europe and the Middle East. What historical figure and artifacts from that [region of the world] are more interesting, in my opinion, if we're traveling to Asia? We began concentrating on Genghis Khan very soon because he is such a significant historical person, and from there, the real artifacts of the season emerged.

The first Season was mostly focused on Danny and Lexi Reconciling

The first season was mostly focused on Danny and Lexi reconciling, which made trust a major theme. The commitment was the key phrase during the second season. The relationship is moving on to a new stage when things are different when two people are orbiting one another. Talking about your ex-partners to figure out what went wrong in the past was part of the season 2 debate about moving on to the next stage of a relationship. Since the Reece family is so crucial to Danny's story, it seemed natural to attach that individual to them since we knew we wanted to introduce a significant character from both of their worlds.

Daughter of Jay makes a lot of Sense

That individual being the daughter of Jay Reece would make a lot of sense. We're not playing the beat again because we wanted to make sure she would be completely different from Jay. Because she is a Reece, Lexi has a lot of well-founded mistrust for her, but in the end, she has different goals than what her father did.

We didn't want to have the issue where he is kept alive in jail at the conclusion of the first season, only to escape and start causing new issues in the second season. In order to play out the mystery of what Jay was up to and what his connection to [the bad guys] was, we had to murder him off to ensure that he wasn't the root of the issues in season 2.

Kate undoubtedly upholds moral standards. It frequently conflicts with what Danny and Lexi want to do. In the end, Jay Reece's only real moral compass was what was best for him.

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