Is Cuties still on Netflix?
Is Cuties still on Netflix?
Updated on November 15, 2022 16:53 PM by Andrew Koschiev
Cuties is a show based on Director Maïmouna Doucouré's life. Born as a Senegalese, her parents were immigrants. She grew up in a Muslim household like her fellow protagonist in the movie. It premiered at The Sundance Film Festival. Netflix shared the poster of the movie, and it broke all the records.
The streaming platform and controversy go hand in hand. Sometimes even politicians get involved in the controversy. More than anything, it was the poster that caused much trouble. The girls in the movie poster are showing skin and don suggesting poses. Twitter fans and critics called the Maïmouna work clarification of pedophilia.
The story of the Netflix movie Cuties

The story of an 11-year-old Amy, born to Muslim parents. Having an internal battle within herself, she joins a dance crew named Cuties. The girls in the crew wear short and revealing clothes. They dye their hair and twerk. The movie discusses how race and social media impact a little girl's identity.
This film depicts the exact way I grew up [and] the Muslim culture I grew up in. Amy evolves in the film in the same culture I evolved in. So, it is very important for me to show an Islam that is far from stereotypical and far from what we normally see on the screen about Islam," Doucouré said.
The backlash and mocking were bad. The ones who supported the movie were called pedophiles, and some were called perverts. On Twitter, there was a time it took a toll on Netflix as the hashtag #CancelNetfkix was trending. The streaming platform was called out for showing child pornography.
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So are the Cuties on Netflix?

Even with all the accusations, Netflix still has Cuties on the Platform. However, the CEO of Netflix did clear their take on having the movie on board by defending the Platform with the following statement "I think it's a little surprising that in 2020 in America, we're discussing censoring storytelling."
As per some reports, it is also stated that Netflix played with the algorithm. The movie won't show on the recommendations or the home page. It was a properly thought process not to have less press coverage on the Digital Platform.
But you can still watch the movie by putting the title in the search bar.
Netflix took down Cuties from the Platform in one country
After being accused of fierce backlash and certain accusations, it was accused of sexualizing young girls. Hence it resulted in Nwtfkix taking Cuties down from the streaming Platform.
The movie is only removed from one country. The streaming platform presented its annual Environmental Social Governance Report for 2020 for Cuties. Hence it resulted in removing the movie from the streamer in Turkey.
RTUK ordered the streamer to remove Cuties.
The decision ran through a voting process, and with a unanimous vote from the board members, elected by the opposition parties a month later Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy declared Cutiea may cause children to be open to negligence and abuse and negatively impact their psychosocial development."
The Ministry also stated that the. The movie appeared as a child movie, but it had an 18+rating.
Although the Critics highly praised Cuties after its debut at Sundance Film Festival in January 2020. It faced backlash ever since it debuted on Netflix.
Mainly because of how the streamer promoted the movie. The movie's director claims she did not see Netfkux's Artwork. It was very different from the poster shown in France.
The promotional work made many people think the movie was about an 11-year-old girl from Senegal. She lives in Paris with her family and is split from her traditional and conservative family. At the same time, she and her friends sexualize the girls.
Following the backlash, Netflix apologized
"for the inappropriate artwork that we used for this film," which they said, "was not an accurate representation of the film."